Billionaire Pavel Durov, founder of the messaging app Telegram, shared that every time he uses his iPhone, he feels like “going back to the Middle Ages”. At the same time, Durov also criticized Apple for tying customers in the company’s ecosystem and making them “digital slaves”.
The reaction comes after the New York Times revealed about the special relationship between Apple and China. Accordingly, Apple is accused of being a tool to help the Chinese government “monitor and censor user data”. Telegram “father” believes that Apple is selling outdated hardware devices at too high a price. In addition, the billionaire also criticized Apple’s business model and said that the company is “selling outdated hardware devices at too high a price to customers and locking them in the ecosystem of Apple. the firm”. “Every time I have to use the app on my iPhone, I feel like I have to go back to the Middle Ages. The 60 Hz screen of the iPhone offers an experience that is not as good as the 120 Hz screens on many Android smartphones today,” Durov shared.
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