Home Beauty Fashion Just returned to Japan, Sakura was criticized by Knet for being less...

Just returned to Japan, Sakura was criticized by Knet for being less beautiful than when she was an IZ*ONE member


Sakura (IZ * ONE) was once praised for her beauty promotion when she moved to Korea to work, but now, when she returns to Japan, she also returns to the simple and gentle makeup of the idols of the rising sun. .

When looking back on Sakura’s journey to joining IZ*ONE and becoming a K-Pop idol, netizen Can’t help but be surprised to see how the K-Pop stylist helped Sakura transform. From a female singer dressed in a simple shabby chic, carrying a plastic bag to the airport, Sakura in K-Pop is much more stylish and luxurious. The style of dress and Korean makeup really helped her rank up in beauty. After IZ*ONE disbanded, Sakura returned to Japan to work and whether she wanted to or not, she had to switch to style popularity of female singers here. It’s a light makeup look with a light pink color, naturally flowing hair, and a lovely innocent expression. In the new set of photos, Sakura appears with straight hair, smiling softly with light orange lips, wearing a flowing skirt. This image is very familiar to Japanese singers but different from K-Pop, where idols often wear heavier makeup, hairdos and trendy outfits. Knet thinks that this image makes Sakura a bit less sharp. She still looks pretty but she’s not as prominent as when she was active with IZ*ONE. Sakura’s expression was also not as sharp as before. The more Sakura compared when she returned to Japan and when she was active in Korea, the more clearly the difference in style became apparent. The stylist K-Pop prefers youthful and sexy fashion, while the Japanese are more inclined towards feminine and feminine dresses. Sakura is considered a Japanese singer with K-Pop style, so her time as a member of IZ * ONE is also when she shines most brightly.