Home Beauty Fashion ‘Kim super round 3’ meets Victoria Beckham, the outfit shows off ‘flesh’...

‘Kim super round 3’ meets Victoria Beckham, the outfit shows off ‘flesh’ overwhelming her senior


Despite losing in height, Kim Kardashian is still more prominent than Victoria Beckham thanks to the ‘cut above, cut under’ outfit that shows off a hot curve.
On April 16, Kim Kardashian and the Beckham couple and other cult stars participated in the opening event of The Goodtime Hotel in Miami (USA). To commemorate this reunion, Kim posted a photo taken with Victoria Beckham on Instagram Story, along with a greeting to her 47-year-old sister: “Happy birthday Victoria Beckham. Love sister!”.

Kim posted a photo taken with Victoria Beckham on her personal page. At the event, Kim wore a yellow dress hugging her body, showing off her famous “hourglass” body. The design of “cut above, cut below” helps Kim to show off a stretch of a stretch behind the fabric, with firm, slender legs, as well as a seductive honey skin. Meanwhile, Ms. Beck combines a white shirt and black PVC pants to enhance her slim figure. The highlight of the suit is bright orange high heels. Although she is 47 years old, Victoria does not seem to be much older than when she was active in the Spice Girls two decades ago. Netizens give many compliments to the two top stars in the world. Everyone thinks that Kim is hot, sexy, and Victoria is elegant and dynamic. However, Kim is still more prominent thanks to the color of the outfit and the show “flesh”. Kim stands out for his outfit showing off the famous “hourglass” body. Kim and Victoria don’t see each other very often, but their relationship is quite good. Kim once revealed that the fashion designer from England is her ideal model. The billionaire born in 1980 has many times been questioned about imitating the style of her seniors. Kim reunited the Beckham couple and the stars at the hotel opening party. Maluma male individual wore a suit but “forgot” his inner shirt. Sexy Vanessa Hudgens with a black waistcoat. Singer Pharrell Williams Future rappers and Rick Ross.