Home Travel Leaning on the shoulder of a love that is not lost

Leaning on the shoulder of a love that is not lost


The poem ‘Going through the years’ by Do Trung Quan is the rhythm of contemplation on the fragility of love. From contemplation opens dreams, about a love that has not been lost through the years.
The most fragile is not the silk

Not a rose bud Not the morning dew It’s not a dream that just woke up I knew the most fragile thing It’s love It’s love, baby! Love Just in the morning, the sun is shining Overcast the intense afternoon rain We were just running around looking for each other… I just hit you… … Like a storm coming It was like a wave hitting the shore, the wave went back to the sea. It’s not me – it’s not heaven Not a sunset cloud Suddenly pink… suddenly purple… I hold love like a child holds a crystal cup Slightly awkward is… that’s all… disappear. *** I pray – not now And when the hair is gray When the hair is gray When I’ve gone through the storm – storm – sea – shore Still leaning on my shoulder A love that is not lost… Comments When realizing the fragility of love, love is no longer there. Maybe, only in nostalgia, dream or regret. The more years go by, the more people feel the strange fragility of love. What’s as great as love? What is more fragile than love? Poem Going through the years Do Trung Quan’s is built on two lines of emotions and thoughts. One side is the fragility of love, more than the sky, the morning dew. One side is the desire (not now) for a love that is “not lost” when we go through the storms – storms – sea – shore. Poetry lies in the rhythm with a bit of play, melancholy and contemplative tone of someone who must have seen love disappearing through his age a couple of times. However, the most poetic part lies at the intersection of those two emotional lines. It is a shade of anxiety mixed with dream and hope.