Home Beauty Let your armpits not be “overbearing” in the summer

Let your armpits not be “overbearing” in the summer


In the summer, my armpits often sweat and wet my shirt, making me uncomfortable and lack of confidence.
What must I do? Looking forward to consulting your doctor.

nguyenthu@yahoo.com Small sweat glands are distributed throughout the body, responsible for eliminating waste products, excreting 99% water and 0.5% salt. The large sweat gland located in the subcutaneous layer, will open in the pores, this gland is only distributed in the armpits, vulva and eyebrows, excreting quite thick liquid, containing lipids, proteins and iron. When armpit hair grows a lot, sweat, especially in the hot season, creates conditions for bacteria to grow. To clean the armpit area, the optimal way is to remove armpit hair for both men and women. If you have to choose between using tweezers and a razor, using a razor to remove armpit hair is better than using tweezers because it’s safer. Because in fact, for hair follicles to pop out of the armpit area with tweezers, even though there is no pain, the hair follicle is easily injured. This is the reason many women come to the hospital in a state of painful lumps in hair follicles due to trauma when plucking hair, active bacteria. In people with poor immunity, bacteria have more conditions to grow, creating large pores, causing darkening of the skin in this area, inflammation, inflammation of the sweat glands leading to underarm odor. Using a razor is faster than using tweezers, does not cause pain, but this way makes the hair grow back faster, more abundant and harder. In addition, with the razor method, great care must be taken to avoid leaving scratches when shaving. If there are scratches, it will be an ideal condition for bacteria to work. To prevent increased sweating in the armpits in the summer, it is necessary to regularly bathe, use deodorant products, and clean armpit hair. If you do enough measures but the armpit area still has an unpleasant odor, you should go to the hospital to have a doctor prescribe an effective method to cure excessive sweating.