Home Beauty Lose weight fast in 1 week with ingredients available in the kitchen

Lose weight fast in 1 week with ingredients available in the kitchen


Just by using honey or salt you can lose weight fast at home.
Lose weight in 1 week with natural honey

Honey helps you lose weight fast at home. In the first week of weight loss with natural honey, the first 3 days, you still have a full breakfast and lunch, but cut your dinner by mixing 1 tablespoon of honey with a glass of warm water to drink. At about 9 o’clock, if you feel hungry, continue to mix honey with tea to create a feeling of fullness. On the 4th day, you only eat a full breakfast, cut lunch and dinner, and replace it with honey and warm water. How to lose weight in 1 week with honey helps you lose weight effectively in 1 week, then continue to follow a scientific diet and exercise, you will achieve significant weight loss results. Note: Do not mix honey with hot boiling water or cook honey at high temperature, because improper heating will cause the nutrients in honey to be seriously damaged, causing the catalyst in honey to be lost. Reduce belly fat with salt Preparation: 1 small bowl of salt + 1 cotton cloth Perform: You roast the salt very hot and then wrap it in cotton fabric (should choose a breathable fabric but thick enough to avoid skin damage from heat). Proceed to apply the roasted salt bag to the abdomen until the heat subsides and the pack cools down. Apply how to reduce belly fat at home with this roasted salt for about 1 month you will see more or less changes.