Home Beauty Lose weight with butterfly pea flower tea

Lose weight with butterfly pea flower tea

You can make your own butterfly pea tea to add to your healthy weight loss regimen.
Weight loss benefits of butterfly pea flower

You can effectively lose weight with butterfly pea flower tea. Image source: Internet According to many research results, butterfly pea flower tea has the effect of preventing fatty liver disease and reducing belly fat. While fatty liver is also known as one of the diseases associated with overweight. Butterfly pea flower tea contains an important compound called catechin EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), which enhances metabolism, thereby making calories in the body to be burned faster. Compared to other types of tea, the EGCG content in butterfly pea tea is especially abundant, so it has a faster and more obvious effect. In addition, the antioxidants in butterfly pea flower tea have anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties that can help purify the body as well as reduce excess water accumulation in the body. If you want to control your weight, you can enjoy this tea after a meal to purify the body and boost metabolism. How to make butterfly pea flower tea Resources: About 500 ml of boiling water Honey Juice of 1 medium lemon 6 teaspoons dried butterfly pea flower Preparation: Add boiling water. Wait a few minutes for the tea to turn dark green. Finally add honey and lemon juice.