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Meteor shower, Super Moon Hong and a series of interesting astronomical phenomena will appear in Vietnam in April


In April 2021, Vietnamese astronomy lovers will have the opportunity to admire interesting astronomical phenomena such as the Lyrids meteor shower, New Moon, Thuong Huyen Moon and Super Moon Hong.
After Super Moon Worm takes place at the end of March 2021, Vietnamese astronomy lovers will continue to have the opportunity to admire the interesting astronomical phenomena in this April.

Lyrids meteor shower

Vietnamese people will have the opportunity to watch the Lyrids meteor shower (Thien Cam). The Lyrids meteor shower will last for more than a week, mostly from April 16 to 25. However, the time of the stellar rain reaches its maximum from the night of April 21 to dawn on April 22.

Lyrids meteor shower over Oregon, USA in 2012. (Image: Robin Loznak)

The Milky Way and the Lyrids meteor shower. (Photo: Petr Horálek)

It is known that astronomers can observe the Lyrids meteor shower in both hemispheres. In Vietnam, the best time to admire is from 22:00 to 6 am on April 23.

According to NASA, the Lyrids meteor shower is named after the constellation Lyra (Thien Cam), where the shooting stars emit.

Lyrids is the first meteor shower recorded by man, appearing in ancient Chinese from 2,500 years ago. This meteor shower occurs every time Earth passes through the debris zone of comet Thatcher.

Lyrids meteor shower. (Photo: Petr Horálek)

This meteor shower hits about 20 streaks / hour at its peak. This meteor battle sometimes produces bright dust trails that last for a few seconds. Viewers should go to a place where there is no strong, bright light, adapting the eyes to the dark to easily detect light trails in the sky.

This year, however, the Lyrids stellar rain occurs at nearly full Moon. The moon’s light can dim the starlight except for the brightest star trails. The patient observer is still able to catch a few clear light trails.

New Moon, Thuong Huyen and Super Moon Hong

In April this year, astronomy lovers also admire more interesting astronomical phenomena such as New Moon, Thuong Huyen Moon and Super Moon Hong.

– New Moon (April 12):

New Moon phenomenon. (Photo: AFP)

The New Moon, also known as the New Moon, (English: New Moon) is a phenomenon when the Moon is located between the Earth and the Sun. Then, from Earth we could not see the light side of the Moon.

On the stellar map, this is the time when the Moon coincides with the Sun, or in other words, where the Sun is located at any arc, the Moon is in that arc.

This is the best time of the month to see fuzzy objects such as galaxies or clusters because there is no overwhelming moonlight.

– Thuong Huyen moon (April 20):

Thuong Huyen moon in the sky of Vietnam. (Photo: Flickr / Tuan Anh Nguyen Hoang)

Thuong Huyen Moon, also known as Half Moon Moon at the beginning of the month (according to the lunar calendar), at which point the Moon will have a semi-moon shape and appear at the zenith in the early evening, then gradually sink west.

Days around these days will be very convenient for observing the Moon through telescopes or binoculars. The depressions on the surface of the Moon are now also clearly visible.

– Super Moon Hong (April 27):

The Super Pink Moon in April will be very loud and bright. (Photo: JAKKAPAN21 / ISTOCK VIA GETTY IMAGES)

Next, Vietnamese people will have the opportunity to observe the Hong Super Moon, which is predicted to be the biggest and brightest Super Moon this year.

A Super Moon is a Full Moon phenomenon that appears closest to the Earth in orbit. At that time, the Moon was brighter and larger than usual.

In Vietnam, the Red Super Moon is brightest at around 22:00 on the evening of April 27, clearly visible with the naked eye.

The Super Pink Super Moon, the largest and largest Full Moon of 2020, grows on St. Louis (Missouri, USA) on April 7, 2020. (Image: David Carson / AP)

However, this Super Moon will not be as pink as the name suggests. The name was called Hong Trang by the first indigenous tribes in America, because it marked the arrival of the moss rose grass, or wild crustacean species, as one of the earliest flowers to grow in. spring.

Because April is also the season when many North American animals lay eggs, this moon is also known as Egg Moon. Some coastal tribes also call this Fish Moon (Fish Moon) because it coincides with the presence of large herring.

In 2021, the world will also have the opportunity to see the Blue Moon taking place around the end of August next.