Home Cuisine Not only for roasting, but also for roasting, the shrimp are also...

Not only for roasting, but also for roasting, the shrimp are also delicious


Processing fresh shrimp will not lose the flavor and nutritional ingredients of dried shrimp.
Fried shrimp cake

Resources: – 200g of copper shrimp – 1 pack of fried flour – 1 teaspoon ground pepper 1/4 teaspoon salt – 1/2 teaspoon of seasoning seeds – Chopped scallions – 1 cup of filtered water Making: Shrimps bought and washed through plenty of water. Mix all ingredients including fried flour, water, salt, seasoning seeds, pepper, onions into a even mixture. Put the washed shrimp in, mix well and fry the oil in medium heat, take out to absorb the oil on the paper. Eating with raw vegetables, cucumber, sweet and sour fish sauce is very suitable. Shrimp soup with star fruit Resources: – 200g of copper shrimp – 3 sour star fruit, 2 ripe tomatoes, green onion, guise leaves – 1 teaspoon powdered soup, 1 teaspoon fish sauce, 1 teaspoon sugar Making: – The shrimps are picked and washed, stirred evenly with a pinch of salt. – Star fruit cut off the edge, sliced ​​fruit horizontally. Tomato peeled, cut areca zone. The guise leaves and green onions are chopped, the head is white and left on. – North the pot on the stove to add oil to the aromatic chopped purple onion, pour the shrimp into. After that, add tomatoes, followed by star fruit and sauteed. – Pour 1400ml of water into the pot, season to add 1 teaspoon of soup powder, 1 teaspoon of fish sauce, 1 teaspoon of sugar. – When the soup boils evenly, turn off the heat and add the sliced ​​green onions and guise leaves on top of a few slices of fresh chili. Ladle the soup into the bowl, use it hot. Green shrimp salad Resources: 200 g Shrimps Papaya 1 / 2kg 1 lemon Chili Fried onion Roasted peanut Herbs Other spices Steps: Shrimps must be fresh, washed to drain. Marinate the shrimp with 1/2 teaspoon of salt + 1/2 teaspoon of MSG. Then bring the shrimp to high heat. When the water is depleted, lower the heat and add 1 tablespoon of water ball + 2 teaspoons of sugar and 1 tablespoon of cooking oil to make the shrimp shiny. The papaya portion of the papaya you use is shredded to grate and put in dilute salt water to soak. Then take out the papaya juice to drain the papaya, you should choose the fruit that is red but not too ripe for it to be crispy and sweet. You prepare roasted peanuts and golden onions, if not they can be ignored. Prepare the most raw vegetables, the herbs that create the scent of basil, or cinnamon. And if there is sesame rice paper to serve, the better. Make sweet and sour fish sauce to mix the salad with lemon, garlic, chili and fish sauce, adjusting by cooking a little at a time. When the papaya is finished, add the roasted shrimp. Finally, add chopped cilantro + sprinkle with peanuts and scallions wait a moment for the ingredients to infuse each other. Vegetable salad with copper shrimp Resources: – 1 bunch of water spinach
– 200g of copper shrimp
– 1 lemon
– 1-2 chili
– 1 garlic bulb
– 100 roasted peanuts
– Salt, sugar, water
– All kinds of herbs (basil, oregano, aromatic) Making: Step 1: Morning glory pick up all the leaves, wash them and drain them. Step 2: Boil a pot of water on the stove, add water spinach to boil. Take out water spinach and soak it in boiling water to cool with ice. This will keep the vegetables crispy and green. Step 3: Wash the copper shrimp, add some cooking oil and then cook it. (When roasting teaspoon of seasoning powder), roast dried shrimp and then place on a plate. Step 4: Wash all kinds of herbs, finely chopped. Step 5: Lac brings lies. Step 6: Put the dried water spinach into a clean bowl, add the cooked shrimp with herbs, then slowly add the sauce to mix well (Mix fish sauce: fresh lemon juice (2 tablespoons): 2 tablespoons of sugar : 3 tablespoons of water: 1 tablespoon of flour with minced garlic, chili. (The way to mix fish sauce is only corresponding) you should re-season the salad to taste sour – salty – sweet balance to suit the taste family seasoning). Step 7: Sprinkle roasted peanuts with the rest of the herbs and mix again. Put the spinach salad on the plate to decorate it beautifully and enjoy it. Tieu Bao (Synthetic) Photo: Collectibles