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Only organic food left? So what?


Let’s assume that agriculture produces 100 percent organic products. Will food be much more expensive then? Is that better for animal welfare? And then do we live healthier? A thought experiment.

What would our everyday life, our health and agriculture look like if we only consumed organic food? Is that possible? How much would it cost? Would we then have to import food from abroad because we didn’t have enough organic food in Germany? The two correspondents answer these questions Birthe Sonnichsen and Justus Kliss from the ARD capital studio in Berlin and search for the future podcast of daily News together with experts for answers.

Thought experiments in the Tagesschau podcast

“sometimes accepted” is the award-winning * future podcast of the daily News . Every week a six-person team of correspondents thinks from the ARD capital studio in Berlin a current political idea into the future and plays through the possible consequences in a thought experiment: Let’s assume that Germany would no longer export weapons – what would the political consequences be? Or suppose that cash would be abolished – what effects would that have on our everyday lives and the economy? Numerous experts help to find answers to these questions, positive examples from other countries show what is already possible elsewhere today and thus provide new impulses in political debates. You can listen to the audio podcast “once accepted” at home or on the go on your smartphone at any time. Every Thursday a new episode appears here on our website in the Tagesschau app , in the ARD audio library and on numerous other podcast platforms. * Winner of the “Prix Europa” 2020 in the “Digital Audio Project” category