Home Tech Order apples online, receive on iPhone

Order apples online, receive on iPhone


A lucky customer in the UK who ordered apples online received a fully sealed 2020 iPhone SE.
Mirror reported, a lucky customer in the UK who ordered apples online received a “brand new” 2020 iPhone SE.

Specifically, the lucky client in the story is Nick James, a 50-year-old citizen living in the town of Twickenham, a suburb of London (England).

(Photo: Nick James)

When James arrived to pick up the pre-ordered apples via the Tesco Extra website, the firm’s staff informed him that there was a big surprise waiting for him inside the bag.

Accordingly, instead of receiving the apples ordered online, inside his basket was an iPhone SE with a full seal.

Instead of the fruit purchased, the lucky guest received an iPhone SE. (Photo: Nick James)

“Obviously I ordered an apple and randomly got an Apple iPhone,” said Nick James excitedly. “Thanks to Tesco.”

The gift is part of a promotion launched by Tesco Extra in the UK until April 18, which randomly selects online shoppers to give gifts.

(Photo: Nick James)

Lucky customers can get some tech products like the AirPods when buying frozen fish, or the iPhone 12 mini if ​​ordering Mini Cheddars biscuits.

Some technology products offered in the program also include Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 or Nokia phone.

A total of 80 surprise gifts for customers to buy online in the Tesco Extra program.

(Photo: Nick James)

“From now until April 18, some lucky orders will be replaced with products ordered by Tesco’s Click Collect,” the announcement said.

There are 6 Tesco stores in the UK included in this special promotion. The bonus is only available when the special customer purchases certain products, not all items.