Home Beauty Fashion People invited each other to ‘implant’ their hands for chickens and the...

People invited each other to ‘implant’ their hands for chickens and the ending ‘can’t close the mouth’


Amazingly, the chickens now not only own dull wings anymore, but can completely ‘grow’ an extra pair of hands depending on their preferences!
Some humorous researchers have tried to figure out how to give chickens funny arms so that anyone who looks at them will laugh. And it came true.

They have launched a product that is a pair of hands for chickens with a wide selection of designs (dolls, athletic, T-rex dinosaurs) to colors. “Chicken Arms” – the product is made to add charm to the chickens and laughter for your family. These chicken arms are files that are available on free 3D websites, users can download for their own use. However, if you don’t have a 3D printer and just want to buy a cute set of arms for your chicken, there are stores that specialize in 3D printer designs that sell these products. Let’s see more of the chickens in their new look with their hands! 21st century version of “chicken T-rex”. Looking at this biceps, I wonder who dares to win food with the chicken. Even the body shape is much stronger thanks to the hands. Another cute “T-rex chicken” with the same red arm as the crest. “Chicken T-rex” appeared everywhere! Or if you don’t like muscular arms or T-rex dinosaurs, you can come up with doll hands, how gentle it looks. The pose of the chicken comes to life with the new arm.