Home Tech Personal jet suits that can change tactics on the battlefield

Personal jet suits that can change tactics on the battlefield


Moving in the air and easily landing in the desired area… those are the images that seem only in sci-fi movies.
But now, people can turn their dream of flying like a superman into reality when wearing a personal jet suit. With superior features, this device is being tested for military applications to support soldiers on the battlefield.

According to Business Insider, a video clip recently released by Gravity Industries (UK) shows soldiers of the Royal Marines wearing a Jet Suit personal jet produced by this company. disembarking from the speedboat, ascending, and rapidly landing on the deck of the Royal Navy’s offshore patrol vessel HMS Tamar. In the video, British soldiers fly easily over the sea like the superhero character Iron Man (Iron Man) in the famous Hollywood movie of the same name. The Jet Suit personal jet suit helps the wearer move easily through the air. Photo: CNN The exercise was conducted to explore how to land on ships as an alternative to the traditional method. In a statement, the Royal Navy said the Royal Marines used the Jet Suit to practice the “visit, board, search and capture” (VBSS) operation. VBSS is considered one of the most complex and dangerous sea missions. Traditionally, soldiers would use speedboats to approach warships and use rope ladders to climb or conduct landings from helicopters with the support of snipers and drones. Both of these methods require a lot of time to prepare the means. Meanwhile, with a personal jet suit, a soldier can fly up from a speedboat, land on a ship and then release a rope ladder for teammates to climb onto the ship. The images in the video clip show the Jet Suit’s ability to support soldiers on landing missions on board ships. “The Jet Suit provides extremely rapid access to any area of ​​the target ship, making it convenient for soldiers to carry weapons and easily move or retreat,” said Gravity Industries. . This is a tactical revolution for many special forces and can be applied more widely than just landing on ships.” With an operation time of 8 minutes, the Jet Suit personal jet made by Gravity Industries is equipped with 5 mini jet engines, including 4 engines attached to the arms and one on the back. Thanks to this design, the user can easily adjust the flight direction as desired. After wearing the Jet Suit, the user can fly at speeds up to 88km/h. This technology is a big step forward in making scenes from sci-fi movies come to life. British inventor Richard Browning, founder of Gravity Industries and a former member of the British Royal Marines, has worn Jet Suits to show the world many times and has been dubbed “Real-life Iron Man real”. Commenting on the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, Russian military expert Vladimir Gundarov said that, like the supporting skeleton or invisibility cloak, personal jet suits will not be widely used in military units. . “All special equipment will be provided to the special forces and can be used in an emergency,” said Vladimir Gundarov. Besides the obvious advantages, Boris Gundarov said that personal jet suits also have disadvantages such as the lack of stealth, jet engines emitting a lot of noise and emitting a lot of heat. A person flying in the air with a personal jet suit is an easy target for any weapon, the expert notes. It is not clear how effective the Jet Suit will be if used on the battlefield, but it is clear that this personal jet suit will need to be improved to overcome some disadvantages that can endanger soldiers. as well as extending the operation time to match combat operations.