Home Beauty Recipe for weight loss with guava you already know

Recipe for weight loss with guava you already know


The following simple weight loss recipe with guava should keep in mind to do it as soon as you need it.
Guava fruit contains 77.9% water, 0.9% protein, 0.3% lipids, 15% carbohydrates, 0.3% organic acids, 0.5% ash, 0.03 mg% vitamin B1, 0.03 mg% vitamin B2, 0.2 mg% vitamin PP, 50-60 mg% vitamin C. The sugars in guava include 58.9% fructose, 35.7% glucose, 5.3% sucrose. The main organic acids are citric acid and malic acid.

Illustration. You only need to eat a small guava for breakfast or lunch and you will not feel hungry until evening, even if you do not eat rice. Guava helps you with enough nutrients for almost a day, you do not have to worry about nutritional deficiencies when losing weight with other methods. Drink guava smoothie Resources: – 1/2 guava – 1/2 ripe banana – 3 strawberries – 1/2 cup soy milk – Blender, cup and spoon The ingredients need to be prepared. – Guava, strawberries after buying, you bring them clean, drain, then peel off guava, remove guava seeds. And strawberries take off the stem. Cut off the guava peel. Bananas are peeled and cut into small pieces. – Put the strawberries, banana, and guava in a blender with ½ cup of soy milk, then turn on the blender, puree for about 30 seconds, until a homogeneous mixture is obtained, turn off the machine. – Pour mixture into cup and use. Using: Every day using this 1 cup, just drink it steadily for 1 week, jump on the scale of the table will be startled. Not only that, this guava smoothie can also help you whiten your skin, tighten pores effectively.