Home Beauty Solution to overcome laughter

Solution to overcome laughter


When I laughed, I was exposed when I heard they could be operated on. But I wonder if smiling is natural and it affects eating and living activities?
nguyenanh … @ gmail.com

Exposed smiles or gums are considered by many people to be less beautiful, so nowadays many people go to cosmetic facilities for surgery. The principle of gingival laughter is to disable upper lip lift muscle function. The execution technique depends a lot on how your current profitability situation is. In case the cause of the gums is stretching muscles, the doctor will reveal and cut a part of the upper lip lift so that when smiling, the lips are pulled to the sides, and the lips are pulled upwards. very light. If your gums laughter is in mild form, the doctor will inject active ingredients to disable the upper lip lift muscle group, thereby completely overcoming the gums laugh. To ensure results and safety, gingivitis surgery should be performed by a team of qualified doctors and licensed medical facilities for this surgery. Remember to note this point. After performing the treatment of gums and gums, you will be advised by doctors about careful care regimen, hot compresses, cold compresses, medications, follow-ups, nutrition … to limit difficulties bear after performing surgery. Eating or living in the future is also not affected at all.