Home Cuisine Suggest a recipe for 5 eggs that are both delicious and cheap,...

Suggest a recipe for 5 eggs that are both delicious and cheap, simple and easy to follow


Eggs come in a variety of ways, but just doing it the basic way can be boring, adding some ingredients will make the egg more appealing.
Eggs with tomatoes


2 eggs

2 small tomatoes

1 pinch of salt and pepper

1/4 cup cooking oil; 1/8 teaspoon of sugar; 1/2 teaspoon salt; 1 chopped scallion


In a small bowl, break the eggs and add salt and pepper. Beat well until the eggs are small, shiny yellow.

Cut tomatoes in half, remove the core, then cut into small pieces.

Heat cooking oil in a pan, then pour the eggs in, wait a few seconds for the eggs to slightly coagulate, then turn off the heat.

Use chopsticks to turn the eggs to break into small pieces. Then put the eggs in a bowl, between the cooking oil in the pan.

Place the tomatoes in the pan and fry them until soft. Pour eggs in, add salt, sugar, scallions, stir-fry quickly so that all ingredients blend, then scramble eggs with tomatoes on a plate with hot rice.

Eggs in soy sauce


  • Eggs: 10-15 fruits
  • 200ml soy sauce, choose the better soy sauce, the better the sauce will be.

  • 200ml of water

  • 100ml of malt (can be substituted with brown sugar, or use corn syrup- corn syrup)

  • 1 teaspoon sugar

  • 1 teaspoon of vinegar

  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil

  • 2 tablespoons of kiri wine or white wine

Half an onion

  • 7 chives branches
  • 3 scallions

  • 1 large red pepper

  • 1 teaspoon of roasted sesame seeds


  • Eggs boil at an optional time to get the desired results. Then immediately put in a bowl of cold water, add salt and vinegar to make it easy to peel.
  • Add water, soy sauce, malt, sugar, vinegar, sesame oil, wine, half an onion in a saucepan. Stir well and then add to decrease according to taste.

  • Simmer for 5 minutes and then turn off the heat to cool

  • Chives, scallions, chopped chili

  • With cold sauce, eggs are cold, then put the eggs in a box, pour the sauce and sprinkle with chives, onions, chili, and sesame seeds on top. Keep the lid closed to the refrigerator for 6 hours or overnight. The sauce is not used up can be boiled more eggs to soak and then eat again.

Eggs fried with chives leaves

Prepare materials:

50g lean meat

25g chives

1 chicken egg

1 sweet pepper


And other spices

Processing process:

Step 1: Preliminary processing of raw materials

Lean meat washed, ground or minced. Then, marinate meat with a little pepper, fish sauce, sugar, dried onion.

Wash chives, cut off all yellow leaves. Then chopped.

Pomegranate horn peppers. You should remember to choose red peppers, when coated with eggs, they look very delicious.

Break the eggs into a bowl, beat them, then add the chives, fish sauce, mayonnaise and beat them together.

Step 2: Frying eggs

Heat the non-stick pan, add a little cooking oil, stir fry the meat, then spread evenly over the pan, then pour the eggs into the pan, sprinkle chili on top. Cover and fry for about 2 minutes for eggs to cook, then turn off the heat

Stir-fried eggs with garlic

Materials need to prepare:

  • 1 bunch of garlic
  • 4 eggs

  • 1 tablespoon soybeans

  • A little salt, cooking oil


  • Step 1: Soak the garlic, wash, and cut into small seeds.
  • Step 2: Break the eggs into the bowl, add a little salt and 45ml of filtered water to dissolve.

  • Step 3: Pour cooking oil into a hot pan and then pour the eggs and stir clockwise for the eggs to be fried evenly. Pour the eggs into the bowl.

  • Step 4: Pour a little cooking oil into a hot pan, let the garlic pan and fry over medium heat until the garlic goose turns color, add soybeans to the stirring.

Finally, add the eggs to the stirring until the ingredients are fully cooked.



  • 300gr bacon
  • 12-15 shiitake mushrooms

  • 30g dry vermicelli

  • 5 eggs (keep 2 separate yolks for face scanning)

  • Spice


  • Wash the noodles to drain. Shiitake mushrooms soaked and washed, shredded and minced garlic onion.
  • For the bacon just wash and mince or puree.

  • For meat, vermicelli, eggs mixed with spices such as pepper, garlic, seasoning powder, chopped scallions. Then put the meat mixture in a mold lined with parchment paper.

  • Sweep the egg yolks on the surface of the egg mixture and bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes. If your family does not have an oven, you can also steam it.

  • Grilled eggs, let cool and then cut into a plate to taste.

Tieu Bao (Synthetic)

Photo: Collectibles