Home Beauty Fashion The beautiful film-like yearbook photos of the Thai schoolgirl association proves that...

The beautiful film-like yearbook photos of the Thai schoolgirl association proves that the beauty lies in the simplicity


With clear tones like cut out from movies revolving around the theme of youth, this set of photos has a simple and pure ‘concept’, which is an ideal suggestion for your class to refer to when shooting a yearbook album. end of the year.
With the Gen Z student council, taking the yearbook is no longer the “privilege” of the senior course, but now at the end of the school year, the classes are busy discussing, inviting each other to make quality photo albums to keep memories together.

When taking the yearbook becomes too easy, the matter of choosing the “concept” for the set of photos is a matter that deserves attention. Surely everyone wants “our class” to have a unique, creative and memorable photo album. But you don’t have to spend a lot of money to have a good set of photos. It is important to choose a suitable “concept”, with investment in ideas, settings, costumes, accessories … Even weather factors must be taken into account, in order to capture the yearbook. are unforgettable moments, not wasted in terms of time and money, causing physical and mental fatigue. If your class is in the time of studying, choose “concept” to make the year-end yearbook album, invite you to immediately refer to the unique and interesting ideas in the photo series by photographer Peak C (Thailand ) perform. The series of photos taken by photographer Peak C tells a story of youthful and emotional clarity. With clear tones cut out from movies revolving around the theme of youth, photographer Peak C captured the memorable moments of the girls at a school in Thailand. In the photo shoot, the female students dressed in simple, colorless uniforms, taking advantage of the classroom space, the top floor, the stairs, and the school parking lot as a backdrop, making the album exuding intimacy, brightly. The female students in this photo shoot only wear uniforms but still make the viewers flutter. To get a beautiful set of photos based solely on the context, the character is not enough, but also requires the arranging hand of the photographer. With its attentiveness, Peak C captured the vivid and emotional frames, making viewers clearly feel the bright, innocent, mischievous nature of the female students. As a result, this set of photos, after being shared by Peak C on social networks on April 19, received more than 4.4K likes and nearly 5K shares, and many compliments from Thai netizens. .