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The doctor grieved when he lifted his shirt to see the belly of the 33-year-old mother


After 2 births of 4 children, including 1 birth of 3, the entire abdomen of a 33-year-old woman, but it seems to be over 60, makes the cosmetologist feel sad.

The doctor grieved when he lifted his shirt to see the belly of the 33-year-old mother TS. Dr. Hoang Thanh Tuan, Center for Plastic Surgery – Aesthetics, National Burn Institute said surgery to shape the abdomen for patients with severe stretch marks after giving birth. The patient was born in 1988, gave birth to 4 children, including 1 birth. Although only 30 years old, when the doctor lifted his shirt and caught his eye, the entire abdomen was wrinkled and wrinkled. “I really feel sorry for the sacrifice of the patient. Because after giving birth, the woman’s body is too devastated ”, TS. Dr. Hoang Thanh Tuan said. This young woman said that due to such a body, it is very difficult to choose, wear special clothes, although her husband does not say it, she always feels confident that her husband “does not sympathize”. Before the wishes of the patient, after evaluating the whole condition, the health had to form a whole abdomen with umbilical transfer. Accordingly, the operating team removed the excess skin from the abdomen below the navel, the step of rebuilding the abdominal wall muscle, shaping the belly button to help the patient have a slimmer 2-round. After surgery both the doctor and the patient are satisfied with the results. According to TS. Dr. Hoang Thanh Tuan, stretch marks are small stretches in thin and weak skin that occur when the skin is not stretched enough to adapt to too large changes of the body. Stretch marks are formed through two periods. Initially there are red, purple red streaks with or without itching then the skin turns white, the skin gradually stretches, you will recognize these stretch marks. The 33-year-old woman’s sagging, wrinkled abdomen looks sideways The cause of stretch marks during pregnancy is due to the rapidly increasing weight of the pregnant woman, increasing the size of the belly, causing the skin to stretch, the elasticity of the skin is poor, causing rupture of the connective tissue under the dermis layer of the skin. form cracks. “Any woman can stretch when pregnant, but for the elderly pregnant mother, the chance of stretch marks is high, especially those who give birth after 35 years of age. Pregnancy at a very young age can also cause young mothers to stretch. In addition, for pregnant women with multiple pregnancies (2-3 children), the possibility of stretch marks is more likely due to the larger abdomen, the skin has to stretch more to have enough room for the baby “, TS. Dr. Hoang Thanh Tuan information. Common locations for stretch marks are the abdomen, hips, and thighs. However, there are also some cases of stretch marks appear on the chest, buttocks, shoulders, lower back or inside arms. There are two directions of treatment for cases of stretch marks – internal and surgical. In particular, internal medicine is a method of applying the self-healing mechanism of the skin in combination with growth factors (EGF, FGF …) to stimulate fibroblasts to stimulate the production of collagen & elastin. TS. Dr. Hoang Thanh Tuan said, treatments include: Mesotherapy: injecting essence containing growth factors, hyaluronic, aminoacids, peptides, antioxidants into the skin around the stretch to support collagen and elastin growth around the stretch. Laser: Cynosure Icon 1540nm. This is the first laser approved by the FDA to treat stretch marks based on clinical studies. This laser uses a non-ablative, non-invasive microscopic photoelectric mechanism. The pulses are delivered as a series of microscopic rays. The thermal effect of the laser causes a beneficial inflammatory response, promoting the body’s production of elastin and collagen. Improves skin texture, color and tension. The laser focuses on the dermis and dermis and protects the epidermis with a cooling system. This allows the body’s natural healing process to quickly and efficiently create new, healthy tissues to fill the clotting columns. 1540 laser stretch marks treatment can be done on all skin types and all stretch marks on all skin areas. However, in the case of too heavy a stretch such as the case of a 33-year-old woman, it is imperative to use surgical methods (surgical removal of stretch marks combined to form abdomen). With this method, patients need to be performed in authorized facilities, not in places where health and life are not guaranteed to avoid danger. Although you will almost certainly experience stretch marks during pregnancy, but TS. Dr. Hoang Thanh Tuan emphasized that there are still many ways to help you limit the appearance of stretch marks. It is a balanced diet during pregnancy to gain weight just enough for the development of the fetus. When you gain weight too quickly, stretch marks will appear more and more quickly. That’s why it’s important to pay attention to your pregnancy weight more often. “Avoid overeating, even though you are encouraged to consume more calories during pregnancy, but that doesn’t mean you have to eat for two. Accordingly, you should suppress the cravings, when you want to eat something, just eat a little and then sip fruit to satisfy the hunger. This prevents you from gaining too much weight. At the same time, pregnant women need to choose foods with low glycemic index, supplement with fruits, green vegetables, and supplement with good fats such as omega-3, omega-6 .. ”, PhD. Dr. Hoang Thanh Tuan said. In addition, during this period, women should exercise to help keep the skin’s elasticity through improving blood circulation. Not only that, but exercising during pregnancy also helps you maintain a reasonable weight, thereby limiting the appearance of stretch marks. “Gently massage the abdomen during pregnancy according to the guidance of a specialist. Massage not only helps mothers and babies relax but also prevents the possibility of stretch marks ”, TS. Dr. Hoang Thanh Tuan emphasized.