Home Beauty The girl lost nearly 60 kg a year by maintaining 5 habits

The girl lost nearly 60 kg a year by maintaining 5 habits


In just one year, the young American girl lost 59 kg, became slim and inspired many people thanks to the 5 habits below.
In just one year, the young American girl lost 59 kg, became slim and inspired many people thanks to the 5 habits below.

The young girl who made this miracle is named Kiah Twisselman, 25 years old, from California, USA. Previously, Kiah weighed more than 100 kg and she tried to lose weight for many years but to no avail. Kiah Twisselman used to have an oversized body before losing 59 kg The milestone that made Kiah realize she had to change her lifestyle and get serious about losing weight was when she started boarding a flight from Kentucky to Arizona more than a year ago. When she got on the plane, she realized that she was too big for the seat and had to ask the flight attendant to loosen her seat belt. At that time, Kiah realized that her body was so overweight that it was different from the rest. Not only that, when she saw that her loved ones were overweight and at high risk of diabetes and heart disease, Kiah was even more determined to change. Kiah before and after weight loss Finally, instead of conventional weight loss methods, Kiah chooses to maintain 5 simple and healthy habits. Kiah’s relentless efforts have paid off, in just one year, the young girl has dropped 59 kg of excess fat, owning a proudly balanced and slim body. Not only has a beautiful body, now Kiah has become a health coach. Her job is to guide and inspire other overweight people to lose weight. Here are 5 simple habits that changed Kiah’s life: 1. Wake up an hour earlier than usual, take that time for yourself Kiah said, there were weeks when she lost weight quickly, but there were also long periods of struggle where her body didn’t change. After finding out the reason, she discovered that this came from an unscientific and reasonable personal life. Kiah often stays up late to watch movies or work, which is also the reason why she quickly gets hungry and has a habit of eating at night. This girl decided to change by waking up an hour earlier than usual and taking that time for herself. Now, Kiah can exercise, cook a healthy breakfast, and read her favorite book. 2. Always make sure to exercise at least 30 minutes every day Weight loss is not always smooth “The common mistake many people make in weight loss comes from fasting or forcing themselves on a strict diet.” , Kiah shared. Instead of making the body become tired, lacking substance and lack of energy, we should ensure that the habit of exercise takes place regularly, at least 30 minutes a day. This not only helps to lose weight but also gives a supple, strong and disease-resistant body. 3. Give up all foods that are not beneficial for weight Undeniably, fast food, fried foods, confectionery and dairy have always had an irresistible attraction. Kiah hasn’t been able to leave these favorites out of her meals for the past 20 years. However, when she realized she needed to change, she was determined to give them up to have a slim body and reduce the risk of dangerous diseases in old age. 4. Drink lots of water Kiah Twisselman’s story inspires overweight people Many studies have shown that drinking water can help lose weight effectively. Mineral water has no calories, can quench thirst, reduce appetite, make Kiah eat less and thereby lose weight quickly. Besides, she also shared that her skin was more beautiful when drinking a lot of water every day. 5. Write down 10 things you are grateful for To have a beautiful body inside and out, we also need to have a relaxed mind. You should not be too obsessed and pressured about losing weight, because that mentality will inadvertently slow down the process of getting in shape. Kiah also shared that, after setting herself a moderate goal, she will write down 10 things that she is always grateful for, from which to look at to motivate herself, love herself and be more determined. Every time I get tired, Kiah reminds me that all obstacles are surmountable and so is weight loss. Looking back on 25 years of struggling with a heavy body, losing 59 kg in 12 months is like a miracle for Kiah “The most important part of the journey to health is the spirit, you should not hate yourself to lose weight, but lose weight because you love your health and body, don’t do it for anyone else.” Kiah said.