Home Beauty The Japanese secret of breathing to have a small belly

The Japanese secret of breathing to have a small belly


Experts say proper breathing combined with exercise helps you burn fat.
Journal GQ Confirm that proper breathing is essential during exercise to help control body movements, maintain calm and activate muscles.

In addition, by breathing well, you will not run out of breath halfway and can exercise for a long time. Therefore, the correct Japanese breathing technique is the key to a slim waist. Proper breathing does not completely help you have a small belly without a combination of exercise and proper diet. Photo: Vice. Japanese breathing tricks Belly fat is not only a matter of appearance but also increases the risk of diabetes and a number of health-related consequences. So, exercise hard and eat right. The truth is that you can’t force your body to burn fat in a certain location. However, the breathing technique to help slim the abdomen discovered by Mike Ryosuke helped him lose 13 kg and have an ideal waist. This method known as the sigh diet involves standing in a certain position, inhaling for 3 seconds and exhaling forcefully for 7 seconds. According to the GQ This is one of the most famous breathing exercises that can help you lose weight. This breathing method is favored by many trainers. Photo: GQ. Doing The Japanese breathing exercise consists of 4 simple steps that are recommended to be done in a few minutes every day. Step 1: Stand with your back straight, push one leg forward and make sure to keep the other leg in the correct position. Step 2: Stretch your butt and transfer your entire body weight to your back foot. Step 3: Raise your arms above your head, inhale slowly for 3 seconds. – Step 4: Exhale forcefully for 7 seconds, while stretching all muscles. You can repeat the steps several times within 2-10 minutes. According to Ryosuke, the above moves help you burn belly fat, strengthen muscles, and improve metabolism in the body. However, you can’t just apply this exercise if you want to have a slim waist. You need to supplement your breathing routine with some exercise and the right diet. 10 minute exercises at home to have a beautiful figure like a Korean star When the gym is closed, you can refer to simple exercises to maintain the figure like a Kpop idol.