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The meaning of feng shui when raising pets, growing ornamental plants in the house


Raising fish, raising pets and growing indoor plants is a hobby of many people because they are not only beautiful but also bring good feng shui meanings.

Knowing the unexpected benefits of raising pets and planting bonsai that feng shui expert Tam Nguyen points out below, you will find that your time, money and effort is completely worth it. Pet Pets of any kind, be it a sickly old dog or a dear cat, thick or feathered, can harmonize the energy of a home or office. If you’re out of luck, keep a pet in the house. Scientists have confirmed that pets improve and soothe the atmosphere in homes, hospitals, nursing homes and prisons. Homes with pets are luckier and have a happier atmosphere than homes without pets. Goldfish Fish is the 3rd most popular pet in the house after dogs and cats. Goldfish will be helpful in neutralizing bad energy directed at your home, especially from the sharp edge of a neighbor’s roof. When choosing to buy an aquarium, you can choose to buy a round, curved or octagonal aquarium that will have better feng shui than a square or rectangular aquarium. Also, make sure the tank is large enough – don’t cram too many fish into a tiny space. Three or six children are suitable for a small apartment. Larger houses can add more numbers. When a fish dies without a cause such as neglect, lack of food, or dirty water, it means that the dead fish has absorbed the bad luck directed at you. As soon as possible, check the layout of the aquarium environment and replace the dead fish. Trees and flowers Plants and flowers bring lively energy to the room. Put a small tree under the stairs to help the good energy to flow upstairs. If the energy around your desk feels dull and lifeless, put plants in. Trees with round leaves will bring you fortune. Trees with pointed leaves like azaleas tend to ward off good fortune. Dried flowers and plants bring death air into the house. However, if you are a lover of dried flowers, arrange flowers in a crystal vase to harmonize the energy. Note to keep them away from the main door and entrance to the room. In addition, you should also place flowers and plants with fabric and avoid plastic flowers. Because the fabric is made from natural fibers and plastic is artificial, it is not good for feng shui. * Information for reference, contemplation!