Home Cuisine The most disappointing food arrangements at restaurants that make you want to...

The most disappointing food arrangements at restaurants that make you want to leave immediately muốn


Every dish, no matter how delicious, becomes meaningless if you present it in an ungainly manner.
The art of decoration in cuisine not only shows the “soul” of the dish, but through this the restaurant also affirms its class. However, the restaurant in the UK has a confusing decoration, even making its diners feel obsessed with that dish.

Photos posted on Twitter show the restaurant’s strange service style, causing both excitement and mixed reactions from social media users. 1. Thought cotton candy turned into fresh corn covered with sauce 2. Unexpected iphone box opens office lunch box 3. I don’t know how long it’s been for this meat 4. Out of plates, the restaurant had to choose to put the food on a shovel 5. A new use of the paperclip board was discovered by this restaurant 6. I ran out of discs, so I’ll just use a sponge 7. The colors are so harmonious that you can’t tell which is the dish and which is the plate 8. Just think about sweets, don’t think about anything else 9. A phase of using really bulky items from the position of a shop owner 10. Customers who haven’t eaten yet are obsessive enough in their thoughts 11. Female customers are afraid to hold hands when holding a restaurant’s sauce pot 12. No need to eat but everyone is embarrassed 13. I don’t know who this food is for 14. Maybe the restaurant followed the trend of wearing crocs sandals at that time 15. The style of wearing a hat is really “aristocratic” for British bread 16. No matter how cute it is, it must be used properly!