Home Beauty Fashion The nurse’s sexy fashion style was fired because she was too beautiful

The nurse’s sexy fashion style was fired because she was too beautiful


Possessing an attractive body, a spirit of escape, the female nurse was once fired because she was too beautiful to easily conquer many different fashion styles.

Namkhing Kanyapak was born in 1994 in Thailand. She is favored with the nickname “Thailand’s most beautiful nurse” thanks to her pure face, perfect body, and clear smile like an angel. After graduating, Namkhing Kanyapak joined a hospital as a nurse. Around July 2016, Namkhing suddenly emerged as a network phenomenon when 9gag page posted and praised all her pictures while working. The gentle, ethereal beauty that is not inferior to any famous singer or actor of Namkhing quickly attracts attention. Her Instagram page alone has more than 31.5 thousand followers and thousands of likes and comments for each photo posted. At the time of her popularity, many fans even pretended to be patients and went to the hospital where Namkhing worked to verify her beauty. This situation causes a noisy, chaotic scene that does not guarantee a resting environment for patients undergoing treatment. To ensure a space for patients to rest, the management where Namkhing works was forced to let her quit. The incident caused mixed opinions, but it made Namkhing’s name even more known. Having the advantage of appearance, she decided to try her hand at the role of a model. Taking off the nurse uniform, Namkhing has a diverse fashion style. She wears tight clothes to show off her body curves. Her forte seems to be crop tops that show off her slim waist, shorts that show off her long legs or girly dresses that show off her sweet, extremely eye-catching look. Compared to the image of the new time, Namkhing has become more and more mature in fashion style. On her personal page, it is not difficult to see beautiful people in sexy see-through lace outfits. Or bikinis that show off the maximum of body curves. Although she favored the fashion style that showed off her sexy look, the nurse was once fired because she was too beautiful to not indulge in showing off her skin. Until now, Namkhing Kanyapak has not seen a sexy image that has been “stoned” for showing off. Sometimes, the female nurse is fired because she is too beautiful to “discharge” the girl with fragile and pure beauty to become a personality that makes fans extremely excited. Photo: Instagram NV. Invite readers to watch the video: Vietnamese hotgirl joins showbiz: the one who became famous overnight, the one who struggled forever not to be famous. Source: Yannews.com