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The risk of cancer is high, if these 3 signs appear on the abdomen


More and more cancer patients, especially more than two-thirds of them, are diagnosed in the middle and late stages. If there are 3 of the following signs on the abdomen, warning of a high risk of cancer.
Those who have a bit of knowledge about cancer must know what cancer in the middle and late stage is like? This means that cancer cells are no longer confined to a certain part of the disease, but begin to invade the surrounding organs, metastasizing in the blood circulation and lymphatic systems. The more advanced the cancer, the worse the prognosis.

The reason that the relatively low rate of early diagnosis of cancer in people is directly related to the lack of understanding of cancer related knowledge and ignoring physical symptoms.

Currently, the most common type of cancer is cancer of the internal organs, such as gastrointestinal cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer … These organs are all located in the abdominal cavity, so after developing into Cancer, the patient’s abdomen will also appear various abnormal symptoms.

If these 3 symptoms appear on the abdomen, being alert is a sign of cancer.

1. Abdominal pain


Pain is the most typical symptom of cancer. Almost all solid internal organs in the body can become cancerous. Illness in each stage will have different levels of pain. For example, liver cancer can cause upper right abdominal pain, pancreatic cancer can cause upper middle abdominal pain, and bowel cancer can cause lower abdominal pain …

If you have been experiencing a dull, throbbing, or persistent pain in a certain part of your abdomen in recent times, but you may not be able to tell the specific location and sensation of pain. After taking the drug is not relieved and lasting more than two weeks, you need to see the hospital, because this may be a sign of cancer.

2. Ascites


Ascites is a condition used to refer to the accumulation of pathological fluid or water in the peritoneal cavity. Clinically believed that ascites appeared not necessarily cancer, but it was definitely a sign of serious illness. Such as cirrhosis and kidney failure.

If it is not, the appearance of ascites may be related to cancer. Clinically, regardless of the type of cancer of the internal organs, as long as it invades the peritoneum, the symptom of ascites develops. In which, ascites caused by liver cancer is the most common disease, its occurrence is related to portal hypertension and decreased blood protein.

3. Bloating, loss of appetite


Many people will blindly think that it is a common chronic stomach disease after they have symptoms such as bloating and loss of appetite. But in reality, there are many factors that cause bloating, loss of appetite, for example, after the liver, pancreas and other digestive organs have cancer, they are dysfunctional, not secreting enough bile and fluid. pancreas or interfere with excretion. In the early stages of the illness, the person may experience symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea, bloating, and abdominal pain.

If there is no chronic stomach disease, while the above symptoms have recently appeared or do not improve after taking medication for chronic stomach problems and the symptoms last for more than 2 weeks, this may be the sign. signs of cancer, you should see your doctor.

In addition to the above 3 abnormal symptoms, if you feel a hard, irregular, painless tumor, poor mobility on your abdomen, you should also be careful of the appearance of a malignant tumor. If you experience all 3 of the above symptoms, this means you need a complete physical exam. Patients should accurately inform their doctor of their actual symptoms, age, family, and medical history before proceeding to professionally indicated examination to get the most accurate diagnosis.