Home Beauty The seductive curvy secret of Kim Kardashian, Shakira

The seductive curvy secret of Kim Kardashian, Shakira


Hollywood stars apply their own practice to have a beautiful body.

Goal setting: If you want to be in good shape, you need to set a goal of motivating yourself. “Media mogul” Oprah Winfrey Try to take 10,000 steps per day. Still Kim Kardashian Always commit yourself to rigorous training. She exercises 6 days a week to maintain a slim body. The beauty said: “I work hard at the gym. I will take a break from training for 2 weeks every 6 months.” Image: Kim Kardashian. Understand the value of exercise: According to the South China Morning Post Celebrities rarely find quick weight recovery solutions. They skip outdated diets and find ways to perfect their exercise habits. Hollywood artists see exercise as a valuable activity. It helps them reduce stress and improve their spirits. Image: Kim Kardashian. No trend training: Do not follow the exercise routine. Take the time to consider how your exercise habits help improve your life. Jennifer Lopez share on Hello : “I am 100% convinced that exercise is part of what makes me happy.” Image: JLo. Always prioritize exercise: Celebrities are often busy. However, they put training at the top of the day’s to-do list. Jennifer Lopez always maintains regular fitness. She rarely skipped a training session, even when adhering to the social gap. “I believe that taking care of myself to stay healthy, from which I can take better care of the person I love. So exercise is definitely my top priority.” Image: JLo. Do not obsess about the ideal body: The body and body structure of each person will be suitable for different training routines. Running after perfect muscular patterns, size will make you easy to give up. Alicia Keys not attractive by body size 0. Instead, a mother of two pursues a healthy and well-proportioned body. The female singer applies the habit of physical training and a careful diet. In addition to indoor exercises, the singer born in 1981 also walked, ran, cycled, and swam outdoors. Image: Alicia Keys. Variety of exercise: Combining many forms of movement to help you develop overall muscle. This also limits boredom, while optimizing the body’s ability to move. Jessica Alba Join Krav Maga martial arts and yoga classes alternately. While, Shakira dance practice combined with physical training. Female singers often have very long choreography schedules in the afternoon. Therefore, she dedicated an hour of pure morning exercise. Voice Waka Waka maintain a variety of exercise routines, including strength-for-weight exercises, HIIT and swimming. Image: Jessica Alba, Shakira. Do not ignore any muscle groups: It’s great to have enlarged breasts and bulging biceps. However, the saying “Never skip leg day” has been applied by many gymers, including celebrities. Chris Hemsworth is considered to be a training inspiration for men. “Thor” exercises the muscles in the leg muscles with sled push exercises – running, pushing sleds, and turning wheels. They are an alternative to doing squats, leg presses in the outer space of the gym. Image: Chris Hemsworth.