Home Beauty The stronger the hair in 3 areas of the body, the longer...

The stronger the hair in 3 areas of the body, the longer you live


Hair can grow in many parts of the body, if it grows long and strong in these 3 areas, it proves your health is very good, will definitely live a long life.
According to Vinmec International General Hospital, in fact, body hair has many effects such as sweat drainage, dust avoidance, rainwater precipitation and many other important roles for health. For example, thick hair helps protect the scalp, especially from direct sun damage. When the sun shines on, heat and radiation will be obstructed by the hair before it affects the scalp.

In addition, body hair also plays a role in attracting a sex partner. Each individual is attracted to different sexual patterns, related to the length, color, position of hair, body hair or parts that emit scent. The body has a certain amount of hair, which also helps to amplify the characteristic odor of each person. Not only that, the strong growth of hair in some areas of the body is also a signal that a healthy body. Here are 3 areas like that, they implicitly tell you that your health is very good, most likely to live a long life. 1. Armpit hair People with dense armpit hair, whether male or female, are very healthy. By preventing and reducing the friction between the skin areas in the armpits, armpit hair makes people more comfortable, very beneficial for the protection of the skin under the arm. For those who sweat a lot, armpit hair helps the skin to dissipate heat and has a certain detoxifying effect. However, with the women, the growing and thick armpit hair makes them very self-conscious. As a result, people often cut and shave their armpits themselves, which actually makes you look “more comfortable”, but the hairs in this area are easy to grow back. Once the armpit hair grows back, it will look like a “mushroom growing after the rain”, even though the hair grows longer and harder than before. So, for those women who want to remove armpit hair, the best way is to go to the hospital for laser treatment, which works to prevent armpit hair from regrowth. 2. Hair Having healthy hair is something most people want, whether you are young or middle-aged. Having such a hair proves that your daily nutritional intake is very complete. This is because the melanin particles that make up dark hair need to be composed of high-quality protein, a variety of minerals and vitamins. Therefore, healthy hair also partly reflects that you are eating properly and having a healthy body. Bad hair is hair that is not soft and prone to drying out. Also, in oriental medicine, it is believed that a person’s hair is good or bad with a definite relationship with kidney health and longevity. Specifically, good hair is soft hair, not easy to dry, and there is a lot of blood in the body. On the contrary, bad hair condition shows that you need to improve your diet, not only need to eat black foods such as wood fungus, black beans … but also ensure a balanced nutrient intake during the day. . Eating at least 12 foods a day can form the foundation of good health. 3. Hairs in the genital area Vaginal hair brings many benefits to the body, on the one hand it helps to dissipate the skin of the genital area – the skin is very sensitive to high temperatures, prone to excessive sweating, on the other hand, genital hair is also ability to reduce the growth of bacteria, prevent the risk of gynecological and male diseases. Most importantly, because the genital area is the place to distribute many sensitive nerves, the hairs in this area are also tasked with protecting the skin, reducing external irritation. Therefore, if your genital hair is healthy, your overall health is also perfectly maintained, thereby extending the life span. Source and photo: Sohu, Women’s Health