Home News World The US increased its troops to protect the withdrawal process from Afghanistan

The US increased its troops to protect the withdrawal process from Afghanistan


The head of US forces in the Middle East, General Kenneth McKenzie on April 22, said the US will temporarily deploy more troops to Afghanistan to protect international forces when withdrawing.

American soldiers at a training camp in Herat, Afghanistan. Photo: Getty Images According to the VNA correspondent in Washington, speaking during a Senate hearing, General McKenzie stated: “We will add resources to protect forces when withdrawing. This is normal in any event. form of withdrawal “. However, General McKenzie did not give temporary replenishment numbers and said plans were underway. General McKenzie also reiterated the US military’s concern that the withdrawal could facilitate the Taliban increased operations in Afghanistan. He is concerned about the Afghan military’s ability to maintain the current situation without the support it has had for many years. He warns the Taliban are now bigger than 2011, estimated at 50,000 fighters, and control more areas in Afghanistan than they did 10 years ago. Previously, President Joe Biden announced that the US – the country with the largest soldiers stationed in Afghanistan – would withdraw all remaining troops in Afghanistan before 9/11, 20 years after the series of attacks. Al-Qaeda’s father sparked a protracted US war in this southwest Asian country. US allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) have also agreed to withdraw their troops from Afghanistan according to the US withdrawal route. The war in Afghanistan left 2,400 US soldiers dead and cost the country an estimated $ 2 trillion. At the peak, the number of US troops in Afghanistan once reached 100,000 people in 2011. Currently the number of NATO troops in Afghanistan is about 9,600 people, of which the US has 2,500 soldiers and Germany has 1,100 soldiers.