Home Cuisine Tips to help limit grease spatter when cooking

Tips to help limit grease spatter when cooking


To make frying food easier, do not worry about the oil splashes that burn your skin, please refer to the methods below.
Do not put wet food in the oil pan

You have probably experienced cases of cooking oil splattering when you fry it with food. The reason is that your food is too watery. The temperature difference between the water and the boiling oil causes the oil to splash out. Therefore, you need to drain the food before frying.

When placing food in the pan, be very gentle and careful to avoid boiling the oil on yourself.

Select the pan used for frying

To limit the oil splashes out during the frying process, use high-walled, deep-walled pans with moderate surface charge. This will help reduce the oil splashes and save on cooking oil if you need to deep-fry the food.


Add salt to the oil pan

Putting a few grains of salt in the saucepan of boiling oil will help prevent the oil from spattering.

In addition, placing the anise petals in the pan also helps to limit the oil splashes and gives the dish an attractive scent.

Use lemons

Take a slice of lemon and rub it all over the pan before adding the grease. This will help reduce grease spatter during cooking.

Use ginger

Place the pan on the stove and light. Wait for the pan to heat and use chopsticks to gently press while rubbing the slice of ginger all over the bottom of the pan. Do this for about 2 minutes and remove the ginger slice. Continue adding oil and frying as usual.

Preheat pan before adding oil

Make sure your pan is heated and free from water before adding the oil. This prevents the oil from splashing out when cooking and the food never gets close to the pan.

Use screens

Buy an oil screen that matches the size of the pan. They will prevent the oil from splattering out during frying and won’t get the food wet like the lid on the pot.