Home Cuisine Unique dish of pa province

Unique dish of pa province


The aroma of cocoons, the hot pungency of chili, the rich taste of salt, the aroma of grilled fish mixed with the aroma of wild vegetables … all create a very unique, very attractive flavor.

If you go to some northwest highland provinces, you will be extremely impressed by the dishes of the Thai people, including grilled fish, also known as “pa Tỉnh top”. This is a traditional, unique, delicious, nutritious dish that is very strange to diners. To process this dish, in addition to fresh fish, you must have all the typical spices such as: Mac khén (a type of seed specific to the Northwest, like pepper in the lowlands), ginger, lemongrass, fresh chili , coriander, herbs, fresh onions, basil … After cleaning, the fish leaves its viscera to remove the bile (should be operated on the back of the fish because it will fold easily, sometimes grilled and the spices will penetrate evenly around the belly), stuffing the fish’s stomach with spices and then folded in half. The way of marinating fish is also the secret of the Northwest people to make the fish taste more special. This grilled fish does not use galangal or turmeric much because those spices will drown out the freshness of the fish. After about 5-10 minutes in the seasoning, the fish is then folded horizontally, using a grilled bamboo stick or a grill and bake over charcoal. When stuffing fish in the belly of the grilled fish on charcoal, the aroma will spread evenly into the fish. The aroma of cocoons, the hot pungency of chili, the rich taste of salt, the aroma of grilled fish mixed with the aroma of wild vegetables … all create a very unique, very attractive flavor. Each strand of ivory white fish meat blends with spices to create a complex aroma, tasting a piece also feels delicious, sweet and rich. In the past, people used thick, fresh bamboo as possible, split into two or three or four to secure the fish, then grilled the fish on charcoal. The aroma of fish mingles with the aroma of aromatic spices. PaPep is used by Thai people with sticky sticky rice. In addition, from fish, the Thai also process many different dishes, typical and delicious: Fish steamed in wooden jars, Thai people call them fish. The dish “pa lecture” is smoked fish. Closely attached to forests, rivers, streams, and fields, Thai people often take advantage of available natural products to improve family meals. In addition to pa pinh top, there is also a very special moss stone dish. Usually grows in rivers, streams, clinging to rocks. The Thai go to pick the moss when the moss is still young, then wash it, dry it, break it up to save it to eat gradually. There are many dishes cooked from stone moss, but the Thai people most often eat the “spicy pho” dish. Dry ice moss will be washed off all grit, then chopped short and stored in a banana leaf. Add onions, herbs, ginger, lemongrass, chili, salt, sprinkle a little fat, mix well, then wrap and cook. If you go to the Northwest highlands, do not forget to enjoy the dishes of the Thai ethnic people, you will surely have unforgettable aftertaste.