Home Beauty Vitamins are good for health and skin?

Vitamins are good for health and skin?

There are some vitamins that are extremely good for health as well as your skin should pay attention to supplement enough.
Vitamin C

Illustration. Photo source: Internet Vitamin C has antioxidant properties, boosts the immune system and is a key ingredient in the formation of collagen. The body is fully supplemented with vitamin C will be healthy, less sick, and the skin will be bright, full of vitality, reducing the signs of premature aging. Take vitamin C by mouth or through your diet. The recommended daily vitamin C content is 1,000 mg. Some foods high in vitamin C are citrus fruits, tangerines, grapefruit, strawberries, broccoli, spinach … Vitamin D Vitamin D is produced by sunlight and absorbed through the skin and transported throughout the body, helping to create healthy cells. Vitamin D enhances calcium absorption, strengthens bone structure, helps strengthen skin texture, prevents sagging. Supplement vitamin D by sun exposure for 10 – 15 minutes daily in the morning, avoid 10 – 16 hours, or supplement with foods containing natural vitamin D such as eggs, milk, cheese, salmon, and tuna. , cod … or through supplements. Vitamin A Vitamin A is one of the skin vitamins. It helps prevent sun damage by disrupting collagen breakdown. Vitamin A is essential in the protection of the skin, a deficiency can cause dry and flaky skin. Vitamin A and its derivatives are often used for acne treatment … Vitamin A will help clean dead skin cells and avoid creating acne. It also helps reduce the amount of oil on your skin and reduces inflammation or redness. Although vitamin A supplements are readily available in the market, you should still get them from natural foods that are richer in vitamin A. Vitamin A is found in most of the foods you eat like pepper, carrots, potatoes, spinach, and pumpkin. You should also be aware that not too much vitamin A should be taken, as it can cause hair loss and jaundice or nausea. An alternative to vitamin A, beta carotene, is increasingly popular because it is harmless in high doses and has fewer side effects than vitamin A. Vitamin K Vitamin K is also one of the skin vitamins. Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting, helping to speed up the healing process. This is why doctors often use vitamin K products after surgery. In the skin care field, some acne products also contain vitamin K. Other skin problems such as skin irritation, coronary artery, proliferative scarring and dark circles around the eyes can be alleviated if you apply on products containing vitamin K. However, studies on the effects of vitamin K on the skin are scarce compared to studies of vitamin E or C. Today, it is not difficult to take vitamin supplements that are good for your skin, so see your dermatologist to establish a diet that is right for your health. A deficiency of these vitamins increases the risk of skin damage, including skin cancer. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), skin cancer is the most common of all cancers. Vitamin E Like vitamin C, vitamin E is an antioxidant. The main function of this vitamin is to combat sun damage, thereby preventing the appearance of dark spots and wrinkles on the skin. According to Healthline, an adult needs about 15mg of vitamin E / day. Vitamin E is available in many skin care cosmetics. However, you can also get this vitamin through foods like nuts: Almonds, sunflower seeds, and hazelnuts.