Home Cuisine Want to make hot rolls with delicious non-stick pan like the outside,...

Want to make hot rolls with delicious non-stick pan like the outside, do not miss the following 6 important notes


Roll cake is an extremely attractive traditional dish. Want to cook with delicious non-stick pan like the outside, sisters do not ignore the following 6 important notes.
Recipe for making hot rolls with non-stick pan:


  • 400 grams of commercially available rolled cake flour
  • 300 grams of minced meat, be careful not to mince it too finely

  • Cooking oil

  • Wood ear

  • Shiitake mushrooms


  • Onions
  • Spices: fish sauce, salt, seasoning seeds

  • Cold water



  1. The core:
  • Meat marinated with spices as follows: 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon fish sauce, 1 teaspoon seasoning seed, 1/2 teaspoon pepper within 15 minutes.
  • Carpentry, mushrooms soaked, washed, chopped.

  • Put the pan on the stove, add 1 teaspoon of cooking oil, fry the onion, then add the minced meat to the island, finally add the shiitake and wood fungus to the island for 30 seconds then turn off the heat.

  1. Powdered part:
  • Dilute water according to the ratio: 600ml of water for 200 grams of powder. This ratio helps the cake to be thin, chewy, and not crushed.
  • After mixing the dough, season with 1 tablespoon of one tablespoon to make the crust bold.

  1. Cake coating:
  • Put a thin layer of cooking oil on the non-stick pan. When the pan is hot, put 1 tablespoon of flour in the pan and smooth it.

  • Cover the pot again within 1 to 2 minutes, if the cake is clear, it is done. After that, quickly place the pan upside down so that the cake falls onto the tray and apply cooking oil to avoid sticking.
  • Put the kernel in the middle and then roll it up. Do the same with the rest of the dough and multiply.

  1. Flight:
  • Slice 200 grams of dried onions, wash them with water, then dry them in the sun to wilt.
  • Mix onions through a thin layer of flour, pour over the sieve to remove excess flour.

  • Fry with cooking oil on a pan.

  1. Sauce part:

Mix the sauce according to the following proportions: 1 fish sauce + 1 sugar + 3 water + 1 vinegar (lemon) + 1 chili.

6 important notes for delicious rice rolls

  1. Do not let the pan overheat to coat the flour, otherwise the dough will cook quickly, the cake will dry, it is easy to pitting and burn, making the cake extremely difficult.

  2. Do not let the pan get too cold to rinse the flour, the dough will take a long time to cook.

  3. Do not apply too much oil to the pan, the cake dough will easily get hollow in the middle.

  4. Do not leave the cake on the pan for too long, it will explode, overcook and not clear.

  5. Use a cutting board to store the cake after it is done. Do not put the cake on the plate because the surface is not flat, very fragile.

  6. When the cake is fully cooked, the cake will come out of the pan by itself, quickly place the cake face down on the cutting board.