Home Beauty Ways to prevent your body from sweating too much

Ways to prevent your body from sweating too much


Wearing breathable fabrics, limiting hot spicy foods, bathing regularly … are simple ways you need to do it every day if you want to reduce this situation.

Sweating is the body’s way of regulating its temperature. However, some people find it inconvenient to have too much sweating. Especially if your sweat leaves wet patches or stains in many noticeable places. In this situation, you need to apply the following methods to significantly reduce the amount of sweat secreted each day. Photo: t-online. 1. Apply antiperspirants before going to bed: This product works by blocking the sweat ducts so they cannot escape to the surface of the skin. For best results, make sure the underarms are clean and dry. Then, apply it in the evening before going to bed. The product may not work right away, but stick to it for a few nights and you will get the results you want. Image: annahar. 2. Wear breathable fabrics: The best way to reduce perspiration when choosing clothing is to wear fabrics that are lightweight, well ventilated and absorbent. Light colors reflect the sun rather than absorb it. So wearing white clothes keeps you cool and sweat less. If you are not confident with light-colored clothing, choose dark tones or eye-disturbing patterns to hide sweat. Image: kamdora, glamor. 3. Avoid certain foods: According to the Healthline , the body often sweats a lot when exposed to hot spicy foods. In addition, caffeine is also discouraged as it stimulates the adrenal glands and causes the palms, feet and armpits to sweat. Image: headtopics. 4. Keep cool: In hot weather, you can place an ice cube in front of a fan to help circulate the cold air. Another idea is to keep the curtains open during the day, preventing the sunlight from entering the room. In addition, you must regularly stay hydrated to reduce your temperature. Image: reddit. 5. Medical treatment: If you feel your body is sweating too much, you can consult your doctor for treatment. Some options, such as antiperspirants, botox injections or surgery, will be recommended by your doctor after examining you. Image: thompson tee. 6. Bath every day: You should always clean with antibacterial soap to control the bacteria that cause body odor. After showering, you need to dry yourself completely and apply antiperspirant immediately. Image: jion. 7. Use pads: You can now buy sweat absorbent underarms or shoes. This product has a sticky substance that does not damage clothes and absorbs odors well. It is recommended to use it in enclosed areas that are prone to perspiration. Image: zoodmall.