Home Health What happens to your body when you eat too much meat?

What happens to your body when you eat too much meat?


Meat is an indispensable food in daily meals, but eating too much can harm your health.
It is an indispensable food in daily meals, but eating too much meat can be harmful to your health. That doesn’t mean you have to completely remove your favorite steak from your lunch, but learn more about the harmful effects of eating too much meat.

1. You may have kidney stones Animal protein contains many compounds called purines. These break down into uric acid, and if your body has too much of these acids, you could develop kidney stones. 2. Dehydration Due to the excess uric acid mentioned above, you may feel more thirsty than usual. Your kidneys need water to get rid of harmful substances, so make sure to drink enough water throughout the day. 3. Constipation Meat dishes are high in protein, but not high in fiber. So eat more fruits and vegetables to make sure you get enough fiber. 4. Headache Dehydration can cause headaches. Dehydration makes the blood thicker, which means reduced oxygen flow to the brain. 5. Heart diseases If you eat too much meat, especially red meats (pork, beef, chicken …), the risk of heart disease increases by 3 times. Because red meat contains a lot of saturated fat, which increases the bad cholesterol level in the body. 6. Frequent colds and flu The saturated fat found in red meat and processed meats does not contain the antioxidants needed by the body to fight the airborne viruses. Please supplement this substance by eating more fruits and vegetables. 7. Smelly breath A diet high in protein and fat, but lacking in carbs, can cause the body to produce ketones. Ketones are released through the breath and they have a bad smell. 8. Skin and Hair Problems Meat products are very low in vitamin C, a vitamin that plays an important role in the formation of collagen, a protein that helps skin, hair, nails, and bones to be smooth, healthy and beautiful. 9. Weak bones High protein intake can increase calcium loss in the body. Calcium is essential for strong bones. The human body cannot produce calcium on its own, but only absorbs it through food or supplements. 10. Feeling tired Meat-based foods are harder to digest than vegetables and fruits, so your body will spend more energy digesting it and this can be tiring if you eat too much meat.