Home Architecture When is the best time to worship the Dragon Horse?

When is the best time to worship the Dragon Horse?


In fact, the time to worship the Dragon Boat Festival of families and regions may not be the same. However, according to the traditional concept, offering at noon is the most standard.

Every year on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, Vietnamese people celebrate the Lunar New Year. Photo: Sens Asia Travel At what time is the most beautiful and perfect time to worship the Doan Ngo festival? Every year on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, Vietnamese people celebrate the Lunar New Year. The Dragon Boat Festival begins at noon. According to the concept of the ancients, this is the time when yang is the most prosperous in the day as well as in the year because the day in May is the longest day. Doan means opening, Horse is the period from 11am to 1pm. Therefore, the worshiping ceremony of the Dragon Boat Festival should be conducted at the main time of the Horse (noon 12 noon) on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month. In addition, there are many families who, for certain reasons, cannot arrange a time to worship at that time, and can offer offerings at 7am-9am. These two time frames are both zodiac time frames, suitable for conducting spiritual worshiping rituals. Doan Ngo New Year’s vows Here are the rituals of Tet Doan Ngo that readers can refer to (according to the book of Vietnamese traditional vows – Culture and Information Publishing House): Namo Amitabha Buddha! Namo Amitabha Buddha! Namo Amitabha Buddha! I bow to the nine directions, the Buddhas of the ten directions, the Buddhas of the ten directions. – I respectfully bow to the Emperor Thien Hau Tho, the gods and goddesses. – I salute you, Mr. Ban Canh Thanh Hoang, Mr. Native Landlords, Mr. Ban Gia Tao Quan and other Sun Gods. – I bow to the Ancestors, Hien Chau, Hien Sister, and the Huong Spirits (if father and mother are still alive, replace it with Ancestor, Ancestor) Our trustee is:………… Residing at:……………………. Today is the Day of the Horse, we repair the incense, buy the gifts, flowers, tea and fruit to offer in front of the court. We cordially invite you, the Emperor of Heaven, the Great Kings, the Indigenous Spirit of the Earth Land, Mr. Ban Gia Tao Quan, the Five Directions, the Dragon Circuit, and the God of Fortune, bowing to you to come before the trial to testify your sincerity. , enjoy the gift. We cordially invite the ancestors of To Quao, To Ty, the ancestors of their ancestors and relatives……………………, we ask you to have mercy on your children and grandchildren to testify and enjoy the gifts. My trustee again invites the former and the late masters in this house, this land is co-financed with money, co-laid-back and enjoys, granting us a royal palace and a peaceful life. Four seasons without limitation, eight periods enjoy peace and prosperity. We bow sincerely, before the court of honor, bowing to be protected and maintained. Namo Amitabha Buddha! Namo Amitabha Buddha! Namo Amitabha Buddha! Taboo on Dragon New Year Don’t throw shoes in a mess: In Chinese, shoes are homophones with the word “ta”. Therefore, on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, if you leave your shoes improperly, you will easily attract evil spirits. Avoid losing money: Losing money or wallet during the Dragon Boat Festival is like losing your fortune, fortune will go down. Do not buy items with strange shapes: During the Lunar New Year, you should avoid buying items with strange shapes, unknown origins and meanings to avoid bringing more evil spirits. Do not choose the first or last room in the hallway when staying at a hotel or motel: According to feng shui, these two positions are easy to absorb negative energy, which is not good for health. Avoid stopping in murky places: If you leave on this day, you should stay away from hospitals and funerals because these places are too heavy, easy to get sick and evil.