Home Cuisine Why do high-end restaurants serve very small servings?

Why do high-end restaurants serve very small servings?


Many people are shocked when they enter a high-end restaurant to order food and are brought to a giant luxurious plate containing a tiny meal, why is there this “cheeky”?
Going to a restaurant and receiving a small portion of food, beautifully decorated, many people wonder whether this is enough or not, whether the restaurant “overdoing” on the value of the dish. ..? What is the reason for serving these microscopic dishes?

Raw material is expensive Food with carefully selected and delicate ingredients is quite popular in high-end restaurants. 0.45kg Wagyu beef costs nearly 5 million dong and a kilogram of caviar costs about 23 million dong. Imagine a “packaged” dish full of these ingredients and adding Italian white truffles (costs about 17 million VND per kg), how high will the price be? Because of using high quality ingredients with exorbitant prices, it is easy to understand why the serving size must be smaller for the dish to be affordable. Easier to decorate Smaller servings are easier to style, something that diners at upscale restaurants – who enjoy them with their eyes first and then taste – are extremely important. Enjoy more dishes Most restaurants serve a 3-course meal, including appetizers, main courses, and desserts. Sometimes customers just order the main course. However, in high-end cuisine, meals can be up to 12 dishes, including: finger food, appetizer, soup, salad, fish, a first main course, second main course, cheese, dessert and a drink / cake. No one can eat all of those things if they are served to the usual portion. That’s why restaurants reduce their food intake, so you can taste each one a little. Artwork There is a French dish called Gargouillou, consisting of at least 16 different vegetables, cooked separately. The disc is arranged as a work of art and is sure to impress any customer who sees it. Imagine trying to beautifully arrange all these tiny vegetables on an already full plate. And of course it won’t look as good as it should be. Therefore, to meet aesthetic requirements, the chefs will estimate a suitable “small” serving. Enjoy the full flavor The first bite of a meal always tastes the best. This is because your taste buds become less sensitive when you eat a lot. Knowing that, the chefs focus on the quality of the dish rather than the quantity. By serving smaller servings, we tend to better enjoy them one by one, rather than get bored with large amounts of regular meals. Make a high-end impression We often take pride in being part of an exclusive event or owning a limited edition item. The saying “less is more” and “good things come in small packages” certainly apply to this. It is not surprising to go to a luxurious place and enjoy a meal brings similar feelings, especially when the dish contains a small amount of ingredients that we consider to be excellent quality. Increase your expectations for the next item Seeing such a small amount of food, we wonder what its real reason is. But in a dinner with many dishes, it will surely make us curious to know what the next dish does. Expectation is a very interesting thing.