Home Beauty 7 reasons why your skin is oily, pour oil often

7 reasons why your skin is oily, pour oil often

Oily skin, too much oil is the main cause of acne, premature aging.
Causes of oily and greasy facial skin

Oily skin is the cause of your acne. The skin is a very sensitive organ and is easily affected by both external and internal factors. Some of the main reasons for oily skin include: Hormones: When hormones are overproduced, it will make the oil secretion on the skin difficult to control and make the skin oily. This condition usually occurs in people who are going through puberty, pregnancy, menstruation and menopause. Diet: Eating too much junk food and sweets will lead to more serious oily skin. Stress: Emotions also have a relative influence on hormone production. If you are stressed, this hormone can increase and trigger the sebaceous glands to produce more oil. Weather and environment: Hot weather and dusty environments are also the causes of more oily skin. Effects of the drug: Birth control pills or diuretics can change the production of oil in the skin. Improper skin care: Strong cleansing ingredients such as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Ammonium Laureth Sulfate, if used for a long time, will make the skin secrete more oil. Wash your face many times a day: When you wash your face too much, the sebaceous glands on the skin are broken, thereby losing the protective oil layer of the skin, making the skin damaged, weak and easily affected by the bad effects of the sun. outside. Some methods to improve oily skin Clean skin. Using a cleanser that’s gentle and contains effective acne-fighting ingredients can help cut down on oil production. For oily skin it is most important to wash your face in the morning and at night. Also, do not wash more than twice a day. Use safe products to exfoliate and treat acne skin Moisturizes skin throughout the day. Get enough sleep and clean bedding regularly. Proper rest every night is important for overall health and especially for the appearance of your skin. Increased insulin can lead to the production of IGF-1 – a hormone that stimulates increased sebum production. Healthy diet. Eating healthy not only improves your overall health, but it’s also great for your skin. Because, using some foods rich in sugar, rich in fat … will contribute to making the skin become oily and more acne. Avoid stress. Should control the state of the body to avoid stress. Because when stress occurs, it will connect with insulin resistance and make acne worse. According to recent research, there is a link between stress and acne that interact with each other. Furthermore, severe acne has also been linked to an increased risk of anxiety and depression. Always use sunscreen.