Home Beauty Summer drinks to help cool down the body are simple and easy...

Summer drinks to help cool down the body are simple and easy to apply


In the hot summer, instead of drinking prepackaged water with a lot of sugar that is not good for health, you can make homemade drinks from fruits and vegetables that are both delicious and nutritious to help the body cool down and detoxify.
Here is a drink from fresh fruit and vegetables, the way to make is very simple, readers can refer to apply in the summer.

Carrot juice Carrot juice actually offers many health benefits. Drinking carrot juice properly not only beautifies the skin, protects the eyes but is also good for the immune system. Because carrots are rich in beta croten, a precursor to vitamin A, protect the eyes, prevent macular degeneration and cataracts. Vitamin A in carrots helps smooth skin, beautiful glow, antioxidants detoxify the body. Carrot juice is rich in fiber and low in calories, so it is suitable for people on a weight loss diet. This is a suitable drink in the hot season, can be combined with pineapple, orange to add flavor. Bitter gourd tea Bitter gourd, also known as bitter melon, is a healthy food. It is also found in bitter melon that contains a rich content of vitamin C among the top vegetables. Daily use can help the body strengthen resistance, kill bacteria and viruses. Use bitter melon to cook drinks or prepare soups in meals or use daily tea to dissipate heat, reduce fever, relieve colds and enhance resistance. If users find it difficult to eat because bitter melon is too bitter, after washing it, cut it in half and remove all the intestines, and soak it in water for about 15 minutes, it is also effective to reduce bitterness. Note that the bitter melon will not be sliced ​​thin and then soaked in water because then the bitter melon will lose its aroma and reduce the nutrients contained in it. Pineapple juice Pineapple is rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, B1, phosphorus, calcium, iron, lipid, protein, fiber … are essential nutrients for the body. Pineapple is a good food to help keep bones strong, reduce arthritis, fight cancer, lose weight, protect eyes and improve digestive system. Vitamin C in pineapple is a good antioxidant, helps strengthen resistance, prevent free radicals, beautify skin, fight aging, reduce damage from the sun. Eating pineapple also helps reduce stress, stress, helps study and work more effectively. Pineapple juice supports effective weight loss and fat burning. Vitamin B in pineapple has the effect of beautifying the skin, preventing dry skin, providing moisture to the hair. The scent of pineapple helps you to reduce feelings of stress and fatigue. In the hot summer, you don’t want to eat anything, having a cup of cool, sweet and sour pineapple juice will help cool down quickly, and add vitamins and nutrients to the body to fight fatigue and discomfort. Types of beans Beans such as green beans, soybeans, red beans or black beans can all be cooked as tea. To make the water more delicious, before cooking, you should roast the beans until they are cooked (not too yellow to avoid degrading beans). Then, this bean can be soaked in a thermos and used as tea, drinking during the day. Alternatively, you can put the beans in a pot to cook like a tea with a little sugar and drink it with ice or keep it in the fridge for later use. Most of the above-mentioned beans have soldering properties, helping to clear heat and detoxify very well. In terms of nutrition, beans contain high levels of protein, lipid, glucide and a lot of essential amino acids that are good for the body. Not only that, beans also contain many important vitamins such as vitamin A 5mg, B1 0.5mg, B2 0.21mg. Using beans in addition to cooling also helps beautiful and smooth skin. Cucumber juice Cucumber is effective in clearing heat, detoxifying, and diuretic. Cucumber contains more than 90% water, rich in fiber, minerals for the body and low in calories. Besides, cucumber also provides a huge amount of nutrients for the human body including vitamin A, vitamin B such as B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, vitamin C, anti-aging agent and many other nutrients such as magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium … . Cucumbers are washed, peeled and eaten raw or juiced. Drinking cucumber water helps maintain the digestive system due to its high fiber content, beautiful skin, acne prevention, and improved skin pigmentation. Especially insoluble fiber in cucumber helps food move through the digestive tract easily. In addition, putting cucumbers in a jar, adding water, adding ice is also a great drink, because drinking water with cucumber helps the body retain water, helping to eliminate toxins in the body.