Home Beauty Hair loss will go away immediately with simple methods

Hair loss will go away immediately with simple methods

With just a few simple methods you can effectively cure hair loss at home.
Why is hair loss a lot?

You can treat hair loss yourself at home. Hair loss is not dangerous to life, but it is the most worry of women. Hair is falling more and more without understanding why, causing us to worry affecting our life. So what is the cause of hair loss. You will be answered by the article below. Hair loss due to water pollution Shampooing under polluted, alum water is one of the causes of hair loss. Because the water is polluted, you can use any type of shampoo and it will not work. Water pollution not only causes a lot of hair loss, but also can cause an allergic scalp, root fungus is very dangerous. So when you see a lot of hair loss, you should check the water first to see if it is dirty, alum? Ideally, you should install additional water treatment equipment to ensure no pollution. Insufficient nutrition Hair is made up of mainly protein (88%). These proteins are hard fibers, called keratins. Other components of hair include: water, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals. hard hair. In the absence of proteins and vitamins, hair minerals will be weaker and more prone to breaking. To limit hair loss, you need to eat enough nutrients and vitamins for the body to fully absorb nutrients. Essential oils for hair According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, essential oils from plants such as lavender, rosemary, thyme, or cedar will have a positive effect on hair growth. However, these oils are easy to have adverse effects if used alone. So experts recommend that you dilute them with another base oil like jojoba oil or grape seed oil before using it. You can mix 3-6 drops of essential oil with one tablespoon of carrier oil. Use a gentle massage mixture on the scalp every day and you will see an improvement in a short time. Scalp massage For hair that is being lost or weak, regular scalp massage will bring about unexpected results. You can go to massage at spa establishments or simply ask a relative, husband or wife or do it yourself quite easily. Scalp massage is not too difficult, you use your fingertips to massage the scalp with enough pressure and in circular motions. This has the ability to help blood flow to the scalp better, thereby stimulating the hair follicles to grow. Massage especially works better when combined with essential oils.