Home Beauty Protects skin against the severe effects of stress

Protects skin against the severe effects of stress


According to American dermatologists, mental stress not only directly affects mental health, but also adversely affects the skin, including causing acne, darkening, and accelerated aging. and aggravate dermatological conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.

Mental stress is more harmful to your skin than you think. The skin is considered the largest organ in the body and the skin’s microbiome plays an important role as the body’s first line of defense against pathogens. Normally, the skin barrier helps maintain moisture and water retention, and prevents allergens, irritants, pollutants, and pathogens from entering. But under stress, stress hormones can weaken that barrier, slowing the production of oils that have the “moisture-locking” benefits. At this point, the skin begins a process called transepidermal water loss (TEWL), which causes the skin to become drier and damaged, making it easier for pathogens to penetrate deep into the skin. “When the skin barrier is not functioning properly, it is prone to chronic low-grade inflammation, increasing the amount of free radicals that are harmful to the skin and accelerating the aging process and increasing the risk of allergies” – Dr. Dermatologist Whitney Bowe at Mount Sinai Medical Center (USA) explains. If you’re experiencing these issues, Ms. Bowe advises people to review their daily skin care routine – especially when using anti-aging products. For example, retinoids (common in many acne and anti-aging creams) can cause skin irritation if used nightly. Similarly, alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) or glycolic acid has many wonderful uses such as fading brown spots, evens out skin tone, and promotes collagen production, but it is also a skin irritant. It is best to alternate the use of strong active ingredients. For example, after 1 night of applying solutions containing retinoids and AHAs, you should let your skin “rest” for 1-2 nights to reduce dryness. In the meantime, use nourishing, hydrating actives – like glycerin, sunflower oil or jojoba oil – to “repair” the skin barrier, support the microbiome, and restore shine. Skin pH. And for people with sensitive skin, the skin care process is even more careful. It’s best after washing your face, let it dry before applying the product to see a reaction. If your skin feels tight, itchy, burning, or has small pimples, then you probably have sensitive skin, so avoid using products containing sulfate compounds, such as sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) or sodium laureth sulfate. SLES). People with sensitive skin should also not shave / wax their face or use a dry brush to exfoliate because it can damage the skin barrier, as well as do not use products with artificial fragrances because they can cause irritation. skin. One thing to keep in mind is that although natural essential oils like lavender, orange, lemongrass and chamomile have the effect of relaxing, reducing stress and improving sleep, applying directly to the skin can also cause allergies and damage. damage the skin barrier. When stressed, many people tend to crave sweets and processed foods, but these foods can damage the collagen and elastin components in the skin through a process called “glycation”. The skin loses its elasticity and is prone to wrinkles. In addition to taking better care of your skin, people also need to make some lifestyle and nutritional changes to combat the negative effects of stress, in simple ways like: + Maintain relationships. Interacting with other people – including through social media – is a great stress reliever, contributing to improved skin health. + Physical movement. Exercise improves blood circulation and oxygen delivery to all parts of the body, thereby promoting the repair of the skin barrier. Exercise also helps release feel-good hormones and endorphins. + Practice how to calm the mind. Yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises have been shown to significantly reduce stress levels and levels of the stress hormone cortisol. + Get enough sleep. Not only helps restore mental health, a good night’s sleep is also beneficial for the skin’s regeneration process at night. + Drink enough water and add nutrients to beautify the skin. Drinking enough water both helps to hydrate, helps to eliminate toxins, reduces acne and improves skin structure. And skin-beautifying nutrients – especially vitamin E, vitamin C, collagen, omega-3 and biotin – help keep skin healthy from within, while fighting against external damaging agents such as smoke, dust, and dirt. ultraviolet rays in sunlight.