Home Vehicles When do we need to replace car brake pads to ensure safety?

When do we need to replace car brake pads to ensure safety?

The brake pads are a very important part of ensuring the safety of the vehicle. If the brake pads are worn out, it will affect the speed reduction and stop the vehicle.

The brake pad is a part that needs to be replaced periodically Ask: I am using a 2010 Volkswagen Scirocco. Lately when I step on the brake pedal, the pedal is deeper than when I first bought it. Is it a sign of brake wear and must be replaced? Le Huyen Chi (Thanh Xuan, Hanoi) Reply: Based on the conditions described initially, it is possible to predict that the brake pads of the vehicle are worn out and it is time to replace them to ensure safety. For vehicles, brake pads are a very important part of reducing vehicle speed, ensuring safety. If the brake pads are worn deeply, it will directly affect the slowdown or stop the vehicle. How fast or slow the brake pads wear depends on the way each person runs. However, the brake pads will wear out faster when used by a car in crowded cities, where the brakes are always pressed, constantly checking due to traffic congestion. Conversely, if the road is open, wide, less using the brake, the brake pads will wear longer. Some signs of discernible brake pads wear such as: Brake pedal often hits the floor, when the brake has phenomenon of vehicle or steering wheel shaking, hissing noise or metal sounds colliding due to worn brake pads … Then, it can be found through the brake warning lights that light up on the dashboard. It is recommended that the brake pads need to be replaced periodically, usually for 2 years or 50,000km, whichever comes first. If you regularly check the brake or move continuously in crowded road conditions, the time to replace this part will be sooner. However, because the safety system is very important, when there are strange signs related to the brake system, it is best to immediately take the car to a warranty center, genuine maintenance or a reputable garage for inspection. and soonest remedy.