Home Beauty 6 vitamins for healthy skin

6 vitamins for healthy skin

Vitamins D, B1, B2, E… you should supplement regularly for healthy skin, slow aging process.
Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for the skin. Image source: Internet When the skin is exposed to and absorbs sunlight, cholesterol in the body is converted into vitamin D. The liver and kidneys then absorb this vitamin and transport them throughout the body to create healthy cells. while improving skin health. In addition, vitamin D also plays an important role in the formation of skin tone. According to Healthline, the recommended amount of vitamin D is 600 IU/day. This amount may be increased in the elderly or pregnant women. You can get vitamin D in the following ways: Get 10 minutes of sun a day (talk to your doctor if you have a history of skin conditions). Eat fortified foods like cereal, orange juice, yogurt or foods that are naturally rich in vitamin D: Salmon, tuna. Vitamin B1 Vitamin B1 or thiamine, can brighten the skin, help the body firm, stay young for a long time. Vitamin B1 helps the body convert sugar into energy faster, and balances the nervous system, good for the brain, heart and liver. Vitamin B1 is abundant in rice bran, meat, egg yolk, asparagus, mixed cereals, brewer’s yeast. Vitamin B2 Vitamin B2, or riboflavin, works to help maintain moisture in the skin and prevent premature aging. Vitamin B2 deficiency will cause skin diseases such as cracked lips, tongue, red nose wings, wrinkled facial skin, poor eyes and brittle nails. Vitamin B2 is abundant in animal liver, fish, milk, eggs, avocado, banana… Vitamin B3 Vitamin B3 or niacinamide, is an extremely important nutrient, especially for dry and sensitive skin, to help increase skin’s moisture, fight allergies, reduce redness on the skin. Vitamin B3 has been shown to boost the production of ceramides and fatty acids, two important compounds that play a protective role in the skin. When there is a better protective layer of the skin, the skin will be better able to absorb moisture and push waste on the skin. Vitamin E Vitamin E is found in many sunscreens and daily skin care products. Vitamin E has the ability to provide natural moisture, which is very good for dry skin, making it more soft and smooth. In addition, it also has the effect of neutralizing free radicals to help protect the skin against the effects of ultraviolet rays in the sun. In addition to providing vitamin E to the skin by using cosmetics, sunscreen, vitamin E supplements, you can provide vitamin E by eating. Foods rich in vitamin E are found in: soybeans, bean sprouts, beans, sesame, peanuts, sunflower seeds, barley sprouts, etc. Vitamin K Dark circles around your eyes can be completely eliminated by using vitamin K tablets or foods containing a lot of vitamin K (green vegetables, tubers, vegetables …). Vitamin K has the ability to restore wrinkles, reduce dark circles right under the eyes, giving you a more youthful and radiant face.