Home Travel Ancient Luoyang, Millennium Grottoes: Aren’t you afraid to travel to Longmen at...

Ancient Luoyang, Millennium Grottoes: Aren’t you afraid to travel to Longmen at night? Isn’t it gloomy?


Some netizens asked me, Aren’t you afraid to travel to the Dragon Gate at night? Isn’t it gloomy? To be honest, I am curious about such questions. Facing exquisite art, facing the hazy night, or moon night, or rainy night, or shining stars, no matter what kind of night it is, you should feel beautiful, right? Perhaps this is the big difference between people. In a sentence from another netizen: “I always think that the Buddhist niches in Longmen in ancient times were also lit with eternal lights. Boating on the Yishui River and crossing the Longmen at night must be extremely spectacular.” Otherwise, the great poet Bai Juyi would not leave Luoyang gardens in his later years, and came to Longmen Xiangshan to settle down, and said this sentence: “In the suburbs of Luodu, the victory of mountains and rivers, the first Yan of Longmen”. On a rainy night in late April, the Longmen Grottoes brought unforgettable memories to my trip to Luoyang, and also left a hint for the next trip to Luoyang. The Yishui during the day looks a little ordinary, but with this layer of history filter, the mood of gazing at the water waves becomes richer. This thick wing of Yishui that supports the Heluo culture is still flowing slowly. . Dayu excavated Longmen Mountain, and the legend of leaping over the Dragon Gate took place here; a battle of Yique more than 2,300 years ago, Baiqi became famous in the first battle, more than 2,300 years ago, Yique is still majestic…Here, Longmen Yishui It is not just a simple natural scenery, it also hides too many ancient cultures, for thousands of years, it has witnessed the vicissitudes and glory of Longmen Grottoes. During the trip to Luoyang, Longmen Grottoes is a very important stop. From afternoon to dusk, even if it rained, it never made my steps rushed. Visiting Longmen on a rainy night is not only quiet but also sparsely visited. While listening to the rain, appreciate the grotto art. The thousand years of the ancient capital Luoyang seems to condense my heart in an instant. A stone carving art treasure house and world cultural heritage are inlaid on the west and east sides of the Yi River. On the mountain, it is in front of my eyes. When night falls, the lights are first released, and the Buddha’s light is suddenly illuminated. It is like a dream, one cave and one world, “one step into the picture scroll, one day dreaming back to the millennium”. From the Northern Wei Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty, the more than 100,000 statues in front of me are not only stone carving art that astounds the world, but also a historical picture scroll that has gone through more than 1,400 years. When the soft light illuminates all the Buddhist niches, when I face each of the Buddhist niches in the rainy night, I can’t help but hold my breath, savor the enlightenment, and experience the gravity and profoundness of the grotto culture. Grottoes of different sizes and statues of different expressions are more attractive under the warm yellow lights. Especially the big Buddha Lu She, according to legend, was made by Wu Zetian in his own manner and appearance. It, together with Kassapa, Samantabhadra, Ananda, Manjushri, as well as the heavenly kings and powerful men, constitute the largest and most quintessential Buddhist niche in the Longmen Grottoes. Not only looking up close or looking far away, the smile of Luce’s Buddha is so gentle and kind. The Luxena Buddha was excavated in the 23rd year of Tang Zhenguan (AD 650), the first year after Emperor Gaozong of Tang Dynasty ascended the throne. The construction lasted three years and nine months. According to the record of “The Niche of Dalu Shena”, Wu Zetian personally presided over the consecration ceremony of the Lu Shena Buddha in order to repair the giant Buddha. Stored on the east bank of Yishui River (Ring Drum Tower). As the night becomes darker and the warm yellow lights become more prominent, the Lucena Buddha fully expresses the ideal artistic conception of the Buddhist world full of peaceful colors. Therefore, when I saw some “fearful and gloomy” comments from netizens, I couldn’t help but feel confused. In late April, Luoyang peony hadn’t withered yet, and dozens of pots of peony flowers in front of the Buddha of Lu She bloomed upright and rich, even if they were in the wind and rain. I tried to squat down and admire the Buddha through the peony, and suddenly, the noble, elegant, and solemn breath came to my face. It seems to sit on auspicious clouds with a smile on its face, a pair of beautiful eyes gazing at the world, and its eyes full of love. It is hailed by foreign tourists as the “Oriental Mona Lisa” and “the most beautiful sculpture in the world.” In fact, every stone here is telling an unforgettable past; every statue has a glorious history. Now, the Longmen Grottoes have passed through thousands of years, and they are glowing with a new look. In the eyes that people are eagerly looking forward to, they interpret the glory of Luoyang once and the glory of this life. When I left the “Xishan Grottoes” tour route and waited for the bus on the other side, I found many tourists admiring the grotto art in the night in the rain, especially the Lucena Buddha, which was truly spectacular and shocking