Home Tech Didi, who was bailed out for 279 million fare, finally made a...

Didi, who was bailed out for 279 million fare, finally made a move this time


If you are not in a hurry to go out, Xiao Lei generally chooses to take the bus or subway, which is low-carbon and environmentally friendly, and the price is affordable.

Of course, if something urgent happens, Xiao Lei’s first choice is to take a taxi.

There are a lot of taxi-hailing apps, but Didi is definitely the big brother in online taxi-hailing.

Many friends should be the same as Xiaolei, and the most commonly used is Didi Taxi.

After arriving at the destination, you can pay the fare directly on the App, eliminating the need to scan the QR code for the driver to transfer money, and the operation is quite convenient.

When the car reaches the end, there is usually no other problem, and most people will voluntarily pay the fare.

However, Xiao Lei occasionally gets in a hurry or gets confused, so he will forget this, and he has to wait until the next time he asks for a car to make up.

Sometimes it takes too long, Didi will send text messages or call to remind Xiao Lei, I am embarrassed.

Originally, it didn’t cost much to take a taxi, and it was enough to forget to make up for it, but some people chose to “escape the order.”

Looking at the data recently released by Didi, there are really a lot of people who are “escaping orders”! Two days ago, Sun Shu, CEO of Didi Car-hailing, sent an open letter on Weibo to the effect of introducing the carpooling business to the drivers. The open letter also revealed some other information: In 2020, Didi paid more than 500 million yuan in compensation for loss of income to drivers. Among them, the compensation fee for empty driving is 237 million yuan. 279 million yuan in advance of the fare due to passengers not paying the fare . In other words, in 2020, passengers “escaped” nearly 280 million fares, which is indeed not a small sum. The driver’s picking up and carrying passengers back and forth is equivalent to being “white prostitutes.” The money is not earned, and it is even more uncomfortable in my heart. Therefore, starting from 2016, when encountering this kind of “white prostitution” situation, Didi will first advance the fare to the driver. The advance payment process is like this.

In 2020, among the orders that passengers did not pay in time, more than 98.5% of the orders will be paid by Didi on the same day. For the remaining less than 1.5% of orders, Didi will further conduct manual verification to check whether there is any violation of the platform’s transaction order rules, such as the installation of cheating devices by drivers and malicious collusion between drivers and passengers. Approximately 0.01% of orders in 2020 have been verified as illegal orders, and Didi will not advance payment.

In 2020, among the orders that passengers did not pay in time, more than 98.5% of the orders will be paid by Didi on the same day. For the remaining less than 1.5% of orders, Didi will further conduct manual verification to check whether there is any violation of the platform’s transaction order rules, such as the installation of cheating devices by drivers and malicious collusion between drivers and passengers. Approximately 0.01% of orders in 2020 have been verified as illegal orders, and Didi will not advance payment. Many friends should not be very clear, what is the “white prostitution” method of sitting in Didi? The first is to give no money directly. This is usually a large order that is a long drive away. The fare ranges from a few hundred yuan to thousands of yuan. This part of the people who “escape orders” follow the “one-off deal” route. After escaping this order, they saved hundreds of thousands of yuan. As for whether they could take a taxi in the future, they didn’t care. The second type is technical “escape orders.” They use mobile phone virtual numbers or small taxi taxis. You don’t need to pay after you take a taxi, “lost it when you use it up,” and change your phone number next time you take a taxi. It won’t affect your original mobile phone number. So this kind of “escaping orders” is also the most popular way. However, now there are only a few virtual number platforms going back and forth. Sometimes there will be a virtual number after logging in to the taxi app, and the last “escape” order that has not paid the fare pops up… This is very embarrassing. Isn’t it spicy? If passengers fail to pay the fare in time, what will Didi do? First salute and then pawn, generally divided into three steps. First SMS notification , Didi will send text messages to inform passengers that the fare has not been paid. After all, not everyone wants to “escape orders.” Sometimes we are just in a hurry or forget. Followed by Driver call If the passenger does not pay the fare within 24 hours, the driver can call the passenger to return the fare. You can also use the Didi platform Dunning function Ask the passengers for the fare. The last step is Call the police Now, all the good things are said, but if it doesn’t work, you can only use some tough methods. If the amount of “escaping orders” exceeds 3,000 yuan, Didi will send a special person to deal with it, including but not limited to letter sending and door-to-door processing. If it is really impossible to negotiate, then a lawsuit is required, and the circumstances are serious and even criminal responsibility must be pursued. The processing flow is there, but not every order can be paid on time. The driver’s master has to support his family, but he can’t wait for each long wrangling. Therefore, Didi formulated The platform advances the fare Rules, and also apply to some situations Prepay before taxi Way. If we haven’t used Didi Taxi for a long time, or the journey is relatively long, or the account is at risk, the App may let us prepay the fare before using it. This operation was originally intended to be good, and it can indeed reduce “escape orders” to a certain extent, but it still received complaints from many passengers. On the one hand, the prepaid fare will be higher than the actual fare. Although Didi said that in the final settlement, it will “refund more and make up less,” but it still gives people the illusion of “I gave more.” On the other hand, this prepaid fare is not available to everyone. Some people think it’s unfair, so why should I pay the fare first, and others don’t need it? It’s not enough to be “escaped” by passengers, and merchants on second-hand trading platforms also have to come to pick up a handful of wool. These unscrupulous merchants first borrowed or misappropriated the accounts of Didi users, and then used false grounds to complain to the drivers. Through the complaint, the coupons for Didi compensation are obtained, and then the merchant will sell the coupons. These reasons are detrimental enough. “The driver is late,” “Pinyou brings more people,” “Pinyou is late,” and so on, all of which point to the “driver’s problem.” Every time a merchant gets a coupon, a driver may not be able to pick up the order because of a complaint. Now, in response to the aforementioned “driver complaint” incident, Didi issued a statement in February this year. Didi said it will cooperate with the public security organs to protect the rights and interests of drivers and passengers. At the same time, it will jointly remove the merchants involved in the second-hand trading platform. On May 19, Didi reported to the police after discovering a system vulnerability. On May 28, the man involved in the case, Zhu, was arrested by the police. Because of suspicion of fraud, Zhu is now under criminal detention. Good guy, in just a few months, Zhu complained to more than 2,000 driver masters who sold coupons in the second-hand market and made a profit of nearly 8,000 yuan without conscience. At present, Didi said that the related system vulnerabilities have been fixed, and the driver’s hanging heart can finally be let go. In fact, when the above problems arise, Didi has to carry a big pot as a platform. After all, problems such as system loopholes and poor supervision are beyond the control of the driver master and us ordinary people. Didi should improve relevant systems as soon as possible and formulate a stricter review mechanism. Don’t just send a coupon to calm down the situation as soon as the passenger complains or does not review it. The driver masters should also be hardened not to persuade them. If they encounter malicious evasion and complaints, they should communicate with the platform and report to the police for help if necessary. As ordinary people, we can consciously resist these unknown coupons and money-saving strategies in addition to not “escaping orders.” Being honest and doing things honestly is what society should be like