Mai Thùy
Super expensive banana: 200,000 VND per fruit, can be eaten with...
This special banana comes from Japan. Bananas are not uncommon in Japan, in the sense that they can be found in any...
15-year-old girl’s lips were pus-filled, bleeding from using lipstick bought on...
Believe in advertising cheap lipstick made from natural ingredients, no chemicals, safe for the lips, so female student N. bought it and used it,...
5 most expensive beds in the world, with one more than...
Just to have a good night's sleep, can you believe that a bed can reach the price of more than 145 billion VND? ...
5 most expensive beds in the world, with one more than...
Just to have a good night's sleep, can you believe that a bed can reach the price of more than 145 billion VND? ...