In the middle of April, yellow leaves appeared on the streets of Hanoi, attracting many people of the capital to take pictures and immerse themselves in this beautiful landscape.
Always the same, in the period of April-May, before the summer, many streets of the capital seem to be lost in autumn pictures with the yellow lemon yellow fallen leaves, covering people’s steps. Typically in Hanoi such as Phan Dinh Phung, Hoang Dieu, Tran Phu …
Together carrying lilies on the corner of the street with a bunch of yellow crocodile leaves at their feet creating a poetic scene that attracts many people in Hanoi, although busy with work, they also have to take advantage of and preserve pictures. Reported by the PV, even on normal days, along Phan Dinh Phung and Hoang Dieu streets … quite a few people come here to take pictures, some people go retail with their phones, some people glide with ao dai with a powerful team. . “We don’t have any photos of yellow leaves here yet, this morning the two of us don’t have to go to school, so we came here to take pictures for each other,” shared Ha My (21, Tay Ho, Hanoi). Serving the people’s photography needs, many loads of flowers, especially lilies appear on the sidewalks of the streets, pre-built miniatures with a car full of flowers waiting for tenants. It is known that the price of renting a car to carry flowers for photography is 20,000 VND / person / person, and the lily is 20,000-30,000 VND / bunch. Referring to the season of changing leaves, people often think of autumn, but in Hanoi there is a special season of falling leaves before the capital comes in the summer.
But the most beautiful streets to take pictures of Hanoi during the crocodile fall season include Phan Dinh Phung, Tran Phu, Dien Bien Phu, and Ly Nam De streets.
After the rain, the crocodile leaves fell a lot, covering the whole road with a bright carpet. Therefore, the people of Ha Thanh enjoy coming here to fully enjoy the tranquility and tenderness of the capital in the season of crocodile leaves.
Here, many people simply enjoy, save photos by phone.
There are people who invest in ideas, costumes, crew …
A romantic scene before the capital enters the summer.
Small traders take advantage of selling and renting lilies along with other types to take pictures.
Create a scene with a car full of flowers for 20,000 VND / time / person.
This is also the season of earning money for photographers, service studios.
The capital’s favorite place to walk and practice sports is also covered with yellow leaves.
The crocodile leaves have turned yellow, waiting to fall.
Yellow leaves spilled down the street Hoang Dieu.
The leaves have completed their mission on the tree, falling down to make room for the young leaves to reach out to the sun. Every April and May every year, people in the capital have the opportunity to fry along the ancient Phan Dinh Phung street, wearing a shirt dyed with gold by fallen crocodile leaves, bringing fresh beauty to everyone. passing by could not help but be distracted.
Although fallen crocodile leaves still take place every year in Hanoi, they are still attractive and attractive when it is time to prepare for the summer. The season of falling leaves comes and goes hastily, so many people take advantage of the best season to keep with friends and family beautiful pictures.
Many children also enjoy and play on the leafy rugs
The sidewalks along the two sides of the road are also covered with yellow leaves. This is also a favorite place to walk, practice sports of the capital people.
The old crocodile trees, the leaves let loose in the wind, the footsteps on the yellow leaf carpet make a rustling sound … that image has become a very familiar thing of the people of Ha Thanh
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