Home Health Do not be foolish to drink these 4 types of water when...

Do not be foolish to drink these 4 types of water when waking up in the morning


Drinking water is an essential source for each body, but every morning many people often choose the wrong type of drinking water, leading to unexpected harms.
Here are the types of drinks that should be limited to drink in the morning when you first wake up.

Carbonated drinks

Carbonated water in addition to not being able to provide the amount of water the body needs in the morning, it also speeds up calcium excretion in the metabolism as well as makes the body more dehydrated, it is best not to drink water. this early in the morning.


Many people have a hobby of drinking a glass of cold water in the morning, especially in the summer, but this job is very nutritionally unscientific. According to experts when they wake up, the body is not working properly, cold water or ice will constrict the blood vessels of the stomach lining, affect and stimulate digestion, speed up intestinal motility, even Lice cause mild abdominal pain, or stomach pain or diarrhea …

In addition, drinking ice also affects the development of physiological functions of the reproductive system, especially women during menstruation, which can cause menstrual disorders, menstrual pain. Prolonged uterine damage can also cause infertility. In men, drinking ice that is too cold will affect the growth of sperm, causing rhinitis, pharyngitis, larynx, bronchi, tonsils, colds …

Drink tea for overnight

We drink tea every day because it is a popular drink with health benefits, drinking it regularly and has very good nourishing and disease prevention effects. However, if you drink tea left overnight in the morning, it is not good for your health.

Because the tea is left too long, the amino acids and micronutrients in the tea will form nutrients to nourish bacteria, not only that, the content of nutrients such as polyphenols and vitamins in tea will also occur oxidative reactions. When left for too long, it reduces the antioxidant properties of the tea, losing the tea’s nutritional value. So, after waking up, do not drink tea made for a long time.

Diluted saline

Many people believe that drinking dilute salt water is good for your health, so you often wake up early in the morning and drink it as a habit, but it is a serious mistake. Many studies show that during sleep, the body excreted a lot will lose a huge amount of water.

Truc Chi (th)