Statutory old-age provision How the pension is financed
Status: 21.06.2021 10:35 a.m.
- How is the statutory pension basically organized?
- Who pays into the statutory pension fund?
- How much does the federal government pay into the pension fund from tax revenues?
- What caused the deficit in the pension fund?
- What is meant by the “sustainability factor”?
- What are the “stop lines” set by politicians?
- Why is the situation in the pension funds worsening?
- What are the options for reforming the pension system?
- What should the insured expect in the coming years?
It is and should remain the foundation of the old-age provision of millions of Germans: the statutory pension. How does our pension system work and what are the challenges it faces?
From Andreas Braun, tagesschau.de
How is the statutory pension basically organized?
The statutory pension in Germany is organized according to the so-called pay-as-you-go system. Those who pay in do not build up a capital stock that they can fall back on in old age, but rather finance the current earnings of the current pensioners. Anyone who pays into the statutory pension thus acquires a right to such a pension in old age, for which the next generation then has to pay. After a certain waiting period – currently five years – this entitlement is given. In order to receive a pension, you must also have reached a certain age (currently 67 years as a rule).
Who pays into the statutory pension fund?
Employees in Germany are required to pay into the statutory pension. Employers take over half of the payments into the pension fund. The contribution rate is currently 18.6 percent, so 9.3 percent each comes from employees and employers. Self-employed, freelancers or people who are not gainfully employed can also make voluntary contributions. All contributors acquire pension entitlements to which a certain pension amount corresponds. It is determined by so-called “remuneration points”.
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How much does the federal government pay into the pension fund from tax revenues?
Since the income from contributors has long been unable to cover the expenses of the pension fund, the federal government co-finances the fund through tax revenue. In 2020, these expenditures exceeded the 100 billion euro mark for the first time. The federal budget provides 106 billion euros for 2021. That is more than a quarter of the federal budget. According to experts the proportion could rise to more than 50 percent of the budget in the coming decades .
What caused the deficit in the pension fund?
The demographic development in Germany is the main reason: The number of people paying into the pension system is facing an increasing number of pensioners. In 2020 there were 57 pensioners for every 100 contributors. In 2050, it is estimated that 100 contributors will make payments for 77 retirees. Since the pension level has always been adjusted upwards in line with the general wage level and there have been no pension cuts, the deficit is growing steadily.
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What is meant by the “sustainability factor”?
In order to be able to take into account the ratio of contributors to pension recipients when calculating the pension amount, the “sustainability factor” was introduced in 2005. It should lead to the fact that the pension increases are dampened with an unfavorable ratio of contributors to pensioners. However, only a quarter of the factor is included in the calculation.
What are the “stop lines” set by politicians?
The legislator has provided so-called stop lines, which secure the pension level and at the same time limit the contributions to the pension fund. It is planned that the pension level (with 45 years of contribution) will not fall below 48 percent of current average earnings by 2025. A second stop line relates to the level of contributions from employers and employees. The contribution rate may not exceed 18.6 percent until 2025.
Why is the situation in the pension funds worsening?
The increasingly unfavorable ratio of contributors to pensioners – together with the state guarantees for the amount of pensions and contributions – will further exacerbate the funding gap in the pension insurance scheme in the years to come. The federal government has not yet made any fundamental changes to this system.
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What are the options for reforming the pension system?
Proposals for reform target both the revenue and the expenditure side of the statutory pension insurance system. In order to increase the income, either the contribution rates could be increased. In addition, statutory compulsory insurance is also being discussed for additional groups of people such as self-employed or civil servants. On the expenditure side, the pension amount can be reduced on the one hand, and the retirement age can be increased on the other. A link to general life expectancy, for example, is conceivable. The income from the contributions paid in, and thus also the future pension amount, could also be increased by investing more contributions in the capital market.
What should the insured expect in the coming years?
The growing imbalance between income and expenditure in the statutory pension insurance will make reforms necessary in the coming years – economists and politicians of the most important parties see this equally. Contribution rates are likely to rise while average pension levels are lowered and working lives are further extended. In any case, it is likely to become even more important for the insured to make private provision for old age
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