After recent deliberations, the Supreme Court in Washington (USA) said that, under federal law, the use of cameras and YouTube channels is not enough to help someone become a journalist in the digital age. this.
Illustration The case involved a YouTuber who had a confrontation with the sheriff’s deputy in Pierce County. After the incident, he filed a Public Records Act request for names, dates of birth, photos, and other information to all deputies and subsequent employees. Often, many of these records are not made public to protect law enforcement from harassment, retaliation, and potential identity theft. However, there is still an exception. Members as “news media,” as defined in state law, may receive records. Although based on media interests, the press is generally opposed to making employees’ birthdays private to anyone. But lawmakers have given the press privileged access, because they believe professional journalists can be trusted to use personal information responsibly. The press becomes the backbone of the public. Illustration For example, a news organization may need a date of birth and a photo to check an official’s past employment in connection with a certain scandal or to verify that a law enforcement officer is acting illegally. . In this, the YouTuber claims he is an “investigative journalist” who is considered a member of the news media based on his YouTube channel called “Libertys Champion”. The relevant authorities disagreed, and the case was referred to the Supreme Court. There, the majority was against him becoming a member of the news media. The court’s analysis focused mainly on the fact that he worked alone, not as a member of a newsroom. The nature of news and journalism is evolving rapidly. There are famous people who have added the label “Press – Press” when attending and participating in protests. People use Twitter to announce what’s happening at local government hearings. Others run reporting websites on focused topics, such as the helpful Seattle Insight City Council.
Illustration The Legislature has tried to draw a line when it comes to being repeatedly blurred between YouTubers performing personally or Tweeters howling at perceived injustice. Back then, traditional newspapers and television news organizations had been the mainstay of a vibrant, free local press for decades. However, clarifying this distinction has always been difficult. Most people would trust a trained plumber to fix a leaky pipe that flooded their basement, rather than someone who just had a wrench and said he knew the pipes. Wrench doesn’t make a plumber, and Social Media doesn’t make a journalist. Members of the press are trained and adhere to journalistic ethics and standards. The YouTuber in this case will have a hard time convincing any unfriendly reader that he’s a real journalist. But besides that, there are also a lot of serious journalists today who don’t work for any newsroom.
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