The Ministry of Information and Communications has proposed mandatory use of Bluezone application. Smartphone users are required to use an application to identify close contact when going to a public place, where there are many people.
The Department of Informatization (Ministry of Information & Communications – TT & TT) has just issued Official Letter No. 733 on the application of technology to prevent and control the Covid-19 epidemic at agencies and units under the Ministry.
Accordingly, in the face of increasingly complicated developments of the Covid-19 epidemic in the city, the Department of Informatization recommends agencies and units under the Ministry of Information and Communications to use technological solutions for medical declaration. Manage people entering and exiting the office. Specifically, in addition to officials, civil servants, public employees, and employees in the agency, all guests coming to contact work are required to install and turn on the application to install the Bluezone proximity detection application before go to work. This rule only excludes those who do not use smartphones. Bluezone application is the most effective tool to trace people suspected of being infected with Covid-19. Photo: Trong Dat At the entrance of offices and units under the Ministry of Information and Communications, the Department of Informatization recommends that you paste a QR Code to install the Bluezone application at a recognizable location to support users. Guests who come to work at agencies and headquarters of the Ministry of Information and Communications also need to make an electronic medical declaration. The declaration will be made on 1 of 3 applications Bluezone, NCOVI, Vietnam Health Declaration or on website The paper medical declaration will only be applied to those who do not have a smartphone. In addition, agencies and units in the Ministry of Information and Communications have also been advised to manage people entering and leaving the office by scanning QR codes. To do this, units need to register for a “quarantine point” and get their QR code at website This QR code will be printed and pasted at a recognizable location at the entrance of each agency or unit.
Scanning QR codes is a measure to save users’ epidemiological milestones. Guests coming to contact business will be forced to scan a QR code for quarantine using one of the 3 applications Bluezone, NCOVI, Vietnam Health Declaration. In the event that after scanning the quarantine QR code, the application says that the user has not made a medical declaration or the declaration has expired, they will be forced to make a medical declaration and re-scan the code. At the entrance to the offices, the Department of Informatization also recommends arranging a department to check and monitor the scanning of quarantine QR codes of employees and visitors to contact for work. Using the Bluezone tracing app, electronic medical declarations and scanning QR codes for quarantine are just 3 of the 5 anti-epidemic solutions with technology proposed by the Ministry of Information and Communications to localities. Previously, sharing at the current news at 19:00 on May 26 of Vietnam Television, Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Huy Dung said that renewing the approach to technology in Covid-19 prevention and control is a combination balance between “defence” and “attack”. In terms of technology, “attack” is the mandatory use of some key applications to prevent Covid-19, instead of just recommending as before. If before, data was distributed by application, now data must be managed centrally.
Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Huy Dung. The Ministry of Information and Communications has proposed mandatory use of Bluezone application. Workers in industrial parks, factories and enterprises are required to make medical declarations. People using smartphones are required to use an application to identify close contact when going to a public place, where there are many people. Public places and offices must control people coming, going, leaving and entering by scanning QR codes. The fourth measure is to use technology to support the monitoring of people in medical isolation. According to Deputy Minister Nguyen Huy Dung, turning on Bluetooth and using the Bluezone application when going to public places will help users protect themselves, protect the community, assist in zoning out the epidemic, and quickly trace. When that happens, it will also help isolate high-risk people, rather than everyone. For agencies and organizations, effective disease prevention will help agencies, organizations, factories and enterprises maintain normal production and business activities. Trong Dat
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