Thursday, March 27, 2025


The most beautiful but mysterious places in England

From remote ancient temples to Dracula's cathedral, these mysterious destinations are scattered across England. St Mary's Church, Whitby North Yorkshire ...

7 special castles in the world

Built in one night, inspired by Disney or said to be the home of Dracula, these castles attract visitors for their history and outlandish...

Tourists’ funny myths about countries

Many tourists think Australia is always hot, because they see at Christmas people wear bikinis to swim in the sea. A thread on Reddit...

The science behind the Hollywood monster series

The classic movies have brought Frankenstein, Vampire, Mummy, ... to the right touch of fear and psychosocial trauma. The laboratory where...

‘Dracula’s Castle’ lures tourists with Covid-19 vaccine

The castle's management hopes that with the Covid-19 vaccination service, more people will choose to visit the site amid a sharp drop in visitors...

Free injection of COVID-19 vaccine at ‘Dracula Vampire Castle’

Dracula's 'vampire' castle dating back to the 14th century, once a popular tourist attraction in Romania, has now become a place to get a...

Romania ‘seduce’ people to inject COVID-19 vaccine with a vampire castle

At Dracula castle, the doctor stabbed the COVID-19 vaccine shot into the arm of a tourist, this is an image that is attracting attention...

6 special vaccination sites in the world

Instead of waiting for hours in front of a medical station or a registration website, people in some countries can now go to Dracula...